Ted M / Chronic Underachiever
Album: Chronic Underachiever   Collection:General
Artist:Ted M   Added:Aug 2006
Label:Legitimate Business Model Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-09-10 Pull Date: 2006-11-12
Week Ending: Oct 22 Oct 8 Oct 1 Sep 17
Airplays: 1 2 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. May 31, 2008: Bloodstains Across Atherton
5 Thumbs Up
4. Oct 05, 2006: press and release
Thriller Dub
2. Oct 20, 2006: Carrots & Sticks...But Mostly Sticks
5 Thumbs Up
5. Sep 28, 2006: Baptism of Solitude
Busy Rejecting Tomorrow
3. Oct 05, 2006: At Your Local Dive
Busy Rejecting Tomorrow
6. Sep 27, 2006: At Your Local Dive
Busy Rejecting Tomorrow

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2006-09-13
Local sample artist who also does electro dub re-workings. Audio madness with cut ups with noise and movies ads, dub, jazz and electro.

(((((((1))))))) Hilarious movie sample art. “Bruce Wills...Burt Reynolds…and Willy Wonka…and Aliens!”
(((((2))))) “Re-dub-ization” of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. Chopped up and an reassembled so well it’s a new bizarro-world synth dub!
((((3)))) Nice laid back, jazz n’ beats piece.
((((4)))) Dubbed out Bay Area old Bay Area punk records but done in a way that’s it’s impossible to hear the punk and you just hear the dub and cut ups. Impressive.
(((((5)))) Electro-ambient, tabla beats, repetitive samples, great stuff for late night listening.

Track Listing
1. 5 Thumbs Up   4. Busy Rejecting Tomorrow
2. Thriller Dub   5. My Name Is Ted
3. Nettle Manor Dub   .