Dick, Robert/Ursel Schlicht / Photosphere
Album: Photosphere   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Dick, Robert/Ursel Schlicht   Added:Jun 2006
Label:Nemu Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-08-13 Pull Date: 2006-10-15 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Oct 15 Sep 10 Sep 3 Aug 27 Aug 20
Airplays: 2 1 2 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 13, 2006: Memory Select
4. Sep 01, 2006: Memory Select
2. Oct 11, 2006: Eran Mukamel as Folk (horchata)
5. Aug 29, 2006: Umami Jazz Program
3. Sep 05, 2006: Umami Jazz Program
6. Aug 24, 2006: Storytime!
Lapis Blues

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2006-08-10
Flute/piano duet soundscapes. Lots of amazing sounds from the flute (Robert Dick is called the Jimi Hendrix of the instrument). The piano responds with tricks like "inside the piano" strumming. Overall atmosphere is between modern classical and abstract jazz. Great stuff, not overly cerebral.

1- Bluesy/Asian hybrid, strong and mysterious. Whispery intro; nice strong tones thereafter, with some fast duet moments
2- Quiet menacing rustle, then popping percussive sounds -- bongo drums on the flute! Then, a meditative vibe with some fast-jamming segments.
3- Stately mid/fast intro, into some fast exciting work
4- Meditative wanderings on lone flute. Spare but often fast.
5- Tunefully rumbly piano jazz, fast. Around -4:20, jazzy upbeat flute joins in.

Track Listing
1. Lapis Blues   4. Piece In Gamelan Style
2. Emergence   5. Fragments
3. Faust   .