Midmight / Almost Clear
Album: Almost Clear   Collection:General
Artist:Midmight   Added:May 2006
Label:Resipiscent Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-05-14 Pull Date: 2006-07-16 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jul 9 Jun 11 Jun 4 May 28 May 21
Airplays: 1 3 1 2 4

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 03, 2011: BBW Radio: $$$ for Cows
Vegans At The
4. Sep 20, 2007: Day Of Difficulty
Vegans At The
2. May 14, 2008: Baptism of Solitude
An Interview
5. Jul 08, 2006: Bloodstains Across Atherton
An Interview
3. Feb 04, 2008: Emphysema For Emphasis
6. Jun 10, 2006: On The Warpath
Yellow Piano By The Side Of The Road ($50)

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2006-05-10
Layered noise, found sounds, environmental/urban sounds, analog synth tones and washes, mostly centered around what sounds like distant radio broadcasts, often sounding like late night AM broadcasts stuck between 2 or more frequencies. Definitely a hand-held tape recorder project, lots of various samples, sources. All mostly chill and heavily layered. Field recordings go back to 1967, probably early tapes made in his childhood that he was smart enough to keep. Many tracks brief; can run any of them together on continuous play.

1) brief, like a treated distant radio broadcast
2) minimal piano plinking, low fi noise layers, noise synth grows denser and crazy toward end
3) denser, with some low freqs
4) urban landscape sounds, fire engine wails, horns, looped, treated
5) very chill
6) chill, some bar-pub singing
7) brief
8) more radio broadcast quality
9) brief, takes a turn for a more studio feel with strange low fi synth in front, vaguely rhythmic, more of an intro or a part of the following track
10-13) low distorto tones, Throbbing Gristle feel with sampled childrens voices
11) low tones continue, TV sounds, distant
12) more low tones, similar to previous 2
13) evolving out of low tones
14) some higher freqs and white noise wash
15) some pretty harmonic distortion
16) strange voice samples, tones, weird, bovine
17) noise collage, very brief
18) brief continuation
19) some high tones, but the mess continues
20) very brief
21) some bass guitar playing can be heard, synth tones, chill

Track Listing
1. Let's Go...   10. An Interview
2. Yellow Piano By The Side Of The Road ($50)   11. Ladies And Gentlemen
3. East Aurora Dairy Parade   12. Piano For Four Hands
4. Vegans At The   13. A Goal And Almost
5. Seconds Here And There   14. Certain Arrangements
6. Battle Of Tullycrine   15. Buffalo
7. Taco Bell   16. Icing
8. Battle Of Tullycrine Reprise   17. A Bad Ending
9. Hot Foot   .