Carlos, Wendy / Rediscovering Lost Scores - Vol.2
Album: Rediscovering Lost Scores - Vol.2   Collection:Classical
Artist:Carlos, Wendy   Added:Jan 2006
Label:East Side Digital  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2006-04-16 Pull Date: 2006-06-18 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jun 18 May 7 Apr 23
Airplays: 1 1 3

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 06, 2015: Clean Copper Radio
Lightcycle Games
4. Apr 21, 2006: The Top Shelf (coachella!)
Shining Title Music
2. Jun 13, 2006: America's Least Wanted
Psychic Dream
5. Apr 20, 2006: Baptism Of Bloodstains
Shining Title Music
3. May 02, 2006: Filler Up
Jimmy Kills Louise
6. Apr 18, 2006: Radio Of Imagination
Listem: Tannhauser

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2006-04-11
Another nice re-issue/unreleased CD from the atmospheric, (often electronic) soundtrack composer. Carlos is most famous for her music for “A Clockwork Orange” which the first volume drew heavily from. Some compositions are creepy, brooding sounds while others are a tad cheesy & dated (the “Tron” music specially) but are nonetheless fun.
(((((1))))) Big, gothic, quitenssentially cinematic.
(((2))) Sad, forlorned cello
(((((3))))) Barren, doom, slow & suspenseful.
((((4)))) Varied shifts in pitch & resonation. Like a Yeti inching his way toward your throat.
((((5)))) High-pitched string madness. The part when Scatman Crothers goes to help Danny.
((((6))))) Simple, slow march feeling.
(((7)))) OK, typically soundtrack-y brass
((((8)))) Refrain of #1 but with trumpet.
(((((9))))) Chaotic, kinda chilling, jazz for satan?
(((10))) Electronic squals, SOOO typically early synth technology.
((((11))) More of the same as above.
((((((12))))) It’s Keith Wakeman? No it’s Rick Emerson? This is SOOO prog – it’s not even funny. Well, it is but damn is it prog!
((((13)))) Silly, medium pace run through some basic scales.
((((14)))) The typical “something big is gonna happen” part of the movie piece.
(((15))) Lost sounds from the “Star Wars” video game mixed with a Rick Wakeman record from ’79.
(((16))) Foggy, “verrrrry scarrrrrry” muuussssiicc!
(Say this in the “Dracula” voice)
((((17)))) Much more scary than the previous piece, ‘cause hell-you’re RETURN not just visiting the morgue!
((((18)))) Choral, military-ish/martial by way of ethereal gothic sounds.
(((19)))) Huh? Like some unknown Spagetti Western theme? Pretty fun stuff with lots o’ whilstin’.
((20)) Cheesy & rather pointless. Just fartin’ around on the synth/synclavier
(21) Flute-y, harp-y, new age-y, sleepy (minus the random “quacks”)
(((22))) Dirge-y then medieval & lo-fi epic? Odd but kinda works.
(((((23))))) Choral, ambience/atmospheric,
(((24))) Lo-fi sythn/electronics floating in the ether.
(((((25))))) Pensive then reflective & really a big sound environment that could be nothing but cinematic.
((((26)))) Dirgey, funeral music.
((((27)))) Nice, electronic classic with a cadance like an Irish ballad. Still kinda lo-fi but that’s what makes it stand out.
(((((29))))) Awesome, early 80’s fun, extensions on the notes B & D, kinda musical parody.
(((((30))))) Awesome & monumental, electronic version of Dicky Wagner’s “Tannhauser”. You can almost see the papal staff blooming.

Track Listing
1. Shining Title Music   16. Visit To A Morgue
2. Paraphrase For Cello   17. Return To The Morgue
3. Where's Jack?   18. Woundlings Title Music
4. The Overlook   19. Angela's Walk
5. Psychic Dream   20. Jimmy
6. Day Of Wrath   21. Louise
7. Paraphrase For Brass   22. Doug Does Angela
8. Title Music "Dies"   23. Scattering Ashes
9. Clockworks "Dies"   24. Angela's Aftermath
10. Creation Of Tron V.1   25. Jimmy Kills Louise
11. Creation Of Tron V.Ii   26. In A Cemetery
12. Lightcycle Games   27. Fly Away And End
13. Anthem   28. Jiffy Test: Bee Dee Bei Mir
14. Little Interludes   29. Listem: Tannhauser
15. Trinitron   .