Frogtoboggan / Meets The Unpaid Professionals
Album: Meets The Unpaid Professionals   Collection:General
Artist:Frogtoboggan   Added:Sep 2005
Label:Anticlock Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-10-02 Pull Date: 2005-12-04 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Nov 6 Oct 30 Oct 23 Oct 16 Oct 9
Airplays: 1 2 1 2 5

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 19, 2011: Music Casserole
2nd Invocation
4. Oct 24, 2005: Asymptotic Freedom
A:Lmost A:Head
2. Oct 31, 2005: Asymptotic Freedom
2nd Invocation
5. Oct 17, 2005: Asymtotic Freedom
2nd Invocation
3. Oct 28, 2005: chapter 23.0: the resonanting toad
Thelema At Various Stations
6. Oct 14, 2005: chapter 21.0: an unmodular set
1st Invocation

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2005-09-28
Bordering on Classical this project has a very composed, thought-out and mindful feel. Woodwinds and strings it often sounds like an orchestra. Experimental by any other name this doesn’t pass for your standard product of academia. Not noisy enough to qualify as “chamber noise” its certainly chamber-something.

1) drony strings, woodwinds, chill, slowly phrased operatic female vocals, quiet breakdown at end
2) totally chill and sparse winds, female operatic vocs again, lots of space between phrases
3) near random note music box avante feel with trumpet melodies, strong song-like feel despite irregular beat, breaks down with a sparse dissonance, very chill and minimal for last 2 minutes 4) lush beautiful drone and fem vocs appear midway
5) very regal oboe, classical, with operatic female vocs juxtaposed with a male spoken word about “life forms”, a mish mash of interesting statements
6) minimal quiet strings and a symphony of high pitched drones
8) pretty melodic chamber orchestral strings and woodwinds, very pleasant, very classical

Track Listing
1. 1st Invocation   5. Loose Canon
2. Solstice   6. Vapor
3. A:Lmost A:Head   7. Thelema At Various Stations
4. 2nd Invocation   .