Sayyadina / Fear Gave Us Wings
Album: Fear Gave Us Wings   Collection:General
Artist:Sayyadina   Added:Jul 2005
Label:Sound Pollution/Mcr  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-07-10 Pull Date: 2005-09-11 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Sep 11 Sep 4 Aug 28 Aug 14 Aug 7 Jul 31 Jul 24 Jul 17
Airplays: 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 26, 2011: Over-fucking-Kill!
Losing Faith
4. Jan 26, 2007: Carrots & Sticks... But Mostly Sticks
18 Hrs
2. Feb 27, 2009: Emphysema For Emphasis
5. Jul 27, 2006: Cognitive Overload
18 Hrs
3. Apr 11, 2007: Baptism of Solitude
All this Fear
6. Jul 13, 2006: Cognitive Overload
Civilized Control

Album Review
Reviewed 2005-07-19
Sayyadina – Fear Gave Us Wings (Sound Pollution)
Wonderful Swedish grindcore with touches of crusty hardcore. Blistering fast, with amazing drumming, and multiple vocalists, which you can understand a lot of the time. There are plenty of melodic sections. Think Nasum, Rotten Sound, etc. The band contains ex-Nasum, ex-Birdflesh, and General Surgery members. They mostly stick to the dark side of politics, with tracks like “Home grown terrorist” and not all songs are in English.
**1. Absolutely brutal with lurching blast beats. One of the heavier tracks on the disc.
2. Leans more towards fast hardcore with prominent bass.
3. Bass and drums begin then the track goes into melodic grind with some of the Swedish melodic guitar sound.
**4. Slow, melodic, and dark then halfway through they kick into quick grind. Ends with relentless grind.
5. All sorts of sounds and changes. Slow simple guitars over blasting drums and some crusty punk riffs.
6. Short, quick and brutal.
7. A bit more melodic but also a bit more metal.
8. Medium paced and melodic which eventually gives way to quick grind.
**9. Short, quick, with multiple vocalists screaming their heads off.
**10. Melodic hardcore with tradeoff vocals which has bursts of grind.
11. The shortest and fastest track.
**12. Crusty that changes to brutal grindcore with tradeoff vocals.
13. Odd simple guitar and a guitar-less breakdown. A short guitar solo. This track stands out on this CD but I’m not sure in a good way.
**15. Slight metalcore leanings but most of the track is mid paced hardcore sounds. The heavy yet melodic riff during the chorus reminds me of metalcore riffs. Slow breakdown with multiple vocalists.
16. Mid paced but fast and brutal blasts during the chorus.
**17. Slow, doom intro, which goes on for the first minute. Then the track kicks grindcore with more distinct guitar riffs.
19. Slightly more metal sounding. Halfway through the track it changes into doom and ends with some feedback.
GREAT stuff!!! -mph

Track Listing
1. 18 Hrs   10. Neglected
2. Dear Diary   11. Proffs Pa Latsas
3. The Holy War   12. Sick of this World
4. All this Fear   13. Turned Inside Out
5. Under Ondskans Pupill   14. Three Strikes
6. Homegrown Terrorism   15. The Loss
7. Blind Och Dov Eller Bara Dum   16. Oppression
8. Losing Faith   17. Bent Out of Shape
9. Civilized Control   18. Enjoy the Silence (While You
  19. Mad Livet Som Instats