Crowbar / Lifesblood for the Downtrodden
Album: Lifesblood for the Downtrodden   Collection:General
Artist:Crowbar   Added:Mar 2005
Label:Candlelight Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-04-03 Pull Date: 2005-06-05 Charts: Loud
Week Ending: Jun 5 May 22 May 15 May 1 Apr 17 Apr 10
Airplays: 1 1 1 4 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 12, 2010: Bloodstains Across Atherton-Apparition in Doomlord's Window
4. May 12, 2005: Bloodstains Across Atherton
Angels Wings
2. Jun 02, 2005: One Fraction Of Time
Angels Wings
5. Apr 30, 2005: On The Warpath
3. May 19, 2005: Happy Hour
Angels Wings
6. Apr 28, 2005: Baptism of Motion (sub for Mike)
Angels Wings

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2005-06-07

Crowbar - Lifesblood For The Downtrodden (Candlelight USA)
Doomed heavy rock/doom metal with intense vocals that an aquirred taste. If anything the vocals sound gigantic. Lots of great riffing but the song writing has a lot of holes in it.
((1))) Slow-mid tempo doom metal/rock with HUGE sounding vocals the chorus drags a little but not too annoying.
((2)) Nice riffing but the chorus is real dull-too much Southern Stoner and not enough DOOM!
((((3)))) Pissed off, thudding doom rock/metal shifts from mid-tempo to slow crawl.
((((4))) Nice catchy riffing, weird vocals that don’t always ‘hit it’ but the whole of the song is worth it.
((5)) Slow, swampy hardrock, like a not-to shitty version of Alice In Chains but that ain’t sayin’ much.
(((6))) Good riffing, so-so vocals.
((7)) See above. Same deal ‘cept the vocals get a tad more annoying.
((((8)))) Oh, what a beautiful doom riff! Sloooooowww & Heavy Southern Sludge Rawk - like the Melvins on moonshine.
((9)) Too confused - are they quasi-psychedelic, sludge-rock or both?
(((10))) Slow buildup to a molasess-paced riff then thudding groove Southern Bigfoot Rawk that actually is good!
(11) Weird acoustic twangy 70’s thing. Led Zep’s “The Rain Song” song down to Nawlin’s and sung by Blackie Lawless?
---Ragnar Of Ravensfjord

Track Listing
1. New Dawn   6. Mood
2. Slave no More   7. The Violent Reaction
3. Angels Wings   8. Lifesblood
4. Coming Down   9. Violent Reaction, The
5. Holding Something   10. Lifesblood