Fine, Milo / Ikebana: London Encounters '03
Album: Ikebana: London Encounters '03   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Fine, Milo   Added:Mar 2005

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-03-06 Pull Date: 2005-05-08 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Apr 24 Apr 10 Mar 13
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 22, 2005: Memory Select
May Radicals Five
3. Mar 11, 2005: Memory Select
Still Only Two Clarinets
2. Apr 08, 2005: Memory Select
May Radicals Two

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2005-03-12
Free improv, abstract stuff featuring American multi-instrumentalist Milo Fine with a cast of British improvisers. You've got clarinet duos, one large-group work (A1), and a few typical group pieces. Between the two CDs here, I liked the "A" disk a lot more, including the 37-minute opening track.

A1- Quiet and restrained, a sustained low-level burble with bird-call squeaks and some nice piano. Starts building some steam after -19:00. Clarinet freak-out after -6:00.
A2- Clarinet duo, quick-footed and intertwining
A3- Fast stacatto clarinets.
A4- Clarinet and drum. Catchy and fairly fast-paced.
A5- Brassy trio, a bright sound

B1- Gradual groany bustling. Fast and squeaky around -19:00. Peaceful piano around -12:30. Last five minutes get clattery.
B2- Quirky fast start
B3- Forceful attack with a quiet ending.
B4- A busy rustle, then slower. Very quiet second half; nice ending with piano
B5- Fast and scrabbly start, into long studious flow

Track Listing
1. April Radicals   6. May Radicals Minus One
2. Only Two Clarinets   7. May Radicals Two
3. Still Only Two Clarinets   8. May Radicals Three
4. Fine Ward Mill Hill   9. May Radicals Four
5. Skinny Frogs   10. May Radicals Five