D.S.R. / Vocals
Album: Vocals   Collection:General
Artist:D.S.R.   Added:Feb 2005

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-03-06 Pull Date: 2005-05-08
Week Ending: Mar 20 Mar 13
Airplays: 2 3

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 16, 2005: The Panoply
4. Mar 09, 2005: Robotic Soundtracks
2. Mar 14, 2005: Selectronica
5. Mar 07, 2005: the ox and the hammer show
3. Mar 12, 2005: The Dog and Pony Show
6. Feb 28, 2005: Selectronica

Album Review
Reviewed 2005-02-25
AMAZING underground indiepop -- literally. Daniel Severin Rafn (D.S.R.) spent 8 years recording this album in his basement. The result is stunningly beautiful, lushly melodic electronic art pop.

All are addictive, especially: 1, 6, 10

No FCCs.

***1. Electronic chimes, guitar, overdubbed vocals. So catchy!
2. Drum machine, sparse, instrumental end.
3. Melancholy guitar, vocals to match. Slow and lovely!
4. Guitar meets 80s computer. Nice harmonies/midway breakdown.
5. Clicky start, pondersome.
***6. Yes!! Upbeat, addictive melody, heartbreakingly awesome!
7. Whispered, layered vocals. Sounds like Garden State soundtrack by the end.
8. Military drum, melodic and plodding.
9. Oboe meets computer game, vocals after 2 min.
*10. A vocal sea, soft and slow -- a nice lullaby.

Track Listing
1. Lately   6. Tragicrush
2. Indu   7. Seventy
3. Passed Out   8. Plane
4. Geotropism   9. Vivarium
5. Foam Hands   10. The Surface