Jarboe / Anhedoniac
Album: Anhedoniac   Collection:General
Artist:Jarboe   Added:Feb 2005
Label:Atavistic/Truckstop Audio  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2005-07-10 Pull Date: 2005-09-11
Week Ending: Aug 14 Jul 31 Jul 24
Airplays: 1 2 4

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 16, 2009: Interim Special
4. Jul 24, 2005: "In Your Ear..." le Tour de France Win for Lance, 7th & Final...
2. Aug 10, 2005: Brownian Motion
Anhedoniac Bottle
5. Jul 23, 2005: On The Warpath
Sacred Disciple Wannabe
3. Jul 30, 2005: On The Warpath
6. Jul 22, 2005: Distraction-Limited

Album Review
Red West
Reviewed 2005-06-13
Jarboe’s gone back to death & self-abnegation (after some dallience in industrial dance)- somewhat experimental, sparse, gothic w/off-key Southern voice. Witching-hour music. Best stuff she’s done since “Swans Related Project.” There’s a lot of material on here, some songs under 2 mins, others break 7.
Ps. The track label on the back of the CD is wrong- 3 is The Cage, 4 is Sinner, 1&16 are “I’m a Killer”- not sure about the rest- reviews below match the track numbers the CD player shows. Re-release of a ’98 cd, which we missed the 1st time around.

1.possbile FCC: “Shit”? a-capella , twisted show tune, some growled vox like Diamanda Galas-lite, wails in the 2nd half. A longish pause (two bars?) about 1:50 in is a false ending. This is an alternate version “I’m a Killer”
2.Mid-slow medaeval-sounding drums and pipe(?) music, witchy off-key vox. Weaker track.
3.FCC” “fuck” repeated over and over. detuned bass. Loop song
4.neo-folk, then indie industrial
5.Spoken gloom over tense dark noises, bass & warbles
6.spoken/chanted, loop fuzz bass, goes right into
7.devlish croaks & animalish noises in 1st half- nice Biblical reference in 2nd half
8.pretty vibraphone, sings to a ladykiller’s victim, dump that poseur
9.weird goth tale, no music per se, sounds and slurred speech, ends w/nature
10.heavy! growls “BURN” with hair, that’s about it
11.Swans-sounding guitar phrase repeats
12.inside-piano sounds, pretty vocal warbling, subtle male phrases
13.Organ, mid-slow yet upbeat ballad. Makes me think “Western.” Love song for good Swans days?
14.Nice rhythm loop, reserved. Title references PanSonic for good reason, it’s Mika Vaino & Ilpo Vaisanen!
15.starts w/menacing drone, then nice folk/cocteau twins-guitar. Sung vocals aren’t pretty enough for the musical accompaniment though. Maybe the dischord was what she was aiming for. Ends w/abstract sounds, buzz.
16.FCC: says “shit”, see lyric sheet. Nice dark ballad, piano, vocals sung with drama, builds to swirling noise and purifies to a buzzing cello tone.
17.fades in. Instrumental mix of “I’m a Killer”, more fuzz.

Track Listing
1. Anhedoniac   9. Burnt
2. The Cage   10. Anhedoniac Bottle
3. Sinner   11. Under Will
4. Forever   12. Circles in Red Dirt
5. Rage   13. Pansonic in Red Dirt
6. Not Noah's Ark   14. Honey
7. Sacred Disciple Wannabe   15. I'm a Killer
8. Mississippi   .