Velvet Teen, the / Elysium
Album: Elysium   Collection:General
Artist:Velvet Teen, the   Added:Aug 2004
Label:Slowdance Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-11-08 Pull Date: 2005-01-10
Week Ending: Jan 16 Jan 9 Dec 19 Dec 12 Dec 5 Nov 21 Nov 14
Airplays: 1 2 1 2 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 15, 2021: Stranded at Settembrini's (Last Record Store)
Penicillin (It Doesn't Mean Much)
4. Feb 07, 2009: Music Casserole
We Were Bound (To Bend the R
2. Jan 05, 2010: The Orphanage
5. May 21, 2007: Something about music
3. Apr 01, 2009: Ann Westcott Demo
6. May 07, 2007: Kid For Today
Camera Oscura

Album Review
Guest DJ Account
Reviewed 2004-10-27
Elysium is a decent, slow, ?kick-back? sort of album. Almost every track features extensive use of piano melodies combined with orchestral strings. A lot of the tracks sound a like, with two that I?ve specified taking their own unique melodies. The vocals are always low, semi-monotonous male voices, quite forgettable, at least for me. Overall, a good collection of tracks featuring a strange, peaceful combination of Drums, piano, and strings. Check out tracks 6 and 7.

Track 1: Electronic bleeps and other random bloops until 1:35. Soft piano for the rest of the track.

2. Orchestral string opening. Vocals at :27 (slow, low-key male voice) with piano joining in with strings. Vocals and strings escalate during chorus to slow back down. Mellows out at about 3 min mark.

3. Heavy string and (uplifting melody) piano beginning. Percussion and vocals join in at :40 with slowdown of beat melody.

4. Heavily rhythmic bass piano introduction with vocals shortly afterwards. 1:08 track speeds up with extra vocals and instruments. Quiets off at 3:30, picks up at 5:22 with lengthy piano solo. Minute long ending starting at 11:50

5. Slow melodic piano opening w/ strings. Vocals at :30. Song ?ends? at 2:56 with light piano and vocals until 4:15 followed by a climax of vocals and instruments.

*6. Quick, catchy piano medley opening rhythm, vocals at :30 Piano and vocal culmination at 1:40 and repeats several times

*7. Very low, haunting background bass noise with percussion at :30. Definitely a darker theme compared to the rest of the songs. Vocals at 1:00. Eerie violin at 2:25 with climax on vocals returning to main background sound. Slows beat at 3:20. Definitely has a strange 80?s inspirational vibe towards the end.

8. Silence until Answering machine at :44

-Reviewed by Eric Ford

Track Listing
1. Sartre Ringo   4. Camera Oscura
2. Penicillin (It Doesn't Mean Much)   5. Poor Celine
3. A Captive Audience   6. Forlorn
  7. We Were Bound (To Bend the Rules)