Golia, Vinny / A Gift for the Unusual
Album: A Gift for the Unusual   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Golia, Vinny   Added:Aug 2004
Label:Nine Winds  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-09-06 Pull Date: 2004-11-07 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Nov 7 Oct 24 Oct 17 Oct 10 Oct 3 Sep 26 Sep 19 Sep 12
Airplays: 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 29, 2006: "In Your Ear ..." with David Bug, a 5th morning session - solo
The Mozart of Vice
4. Nov 05, 2004: Memory Select
Single Booth Enclosure Third - Revisited
2. Jun 11, 2005: "Live-In Your Ear..." A Brief Moment In The Afternoon
Mr. Amons Builds His Bridge
5. Nov 04, 2004: Umami Jazz Program
Just Something I Thought of
3. Dec 28, 2004: "In Your Ear..." In the Wee Hours of the Morning for One Night Only...
The Last of Its Kind, The 15TH
6. Oct 22, 2004: Memory Select
The Mozart of Vice

Album Review
Reviewed 2004-09-06
Vinny Golia – A Gift For the Unusual

LA saxophonist Golia picks up a new instrument for this one.. the Tubax, which is some sort of bass saxophone somehow rearranged for size and tone optimization. It’s got a surprisingly huge, meaty sound which stands out when paired with the other low instruments (standup bass, cello, trombone) that appear on the disc. The pieces are mostly improv, but all that bass gives this album a mysterious vibe throughout.

1. Short sax solo
2. Repetitive (duh) motifs from small group
*3. Low rumbling sax with sparse, light percussion
*4. Bouncy sax/piano duet
5. Growling sax solo
*6. Jazzy low-instrument combo
*7. Slow and mysterious
*8. Creepy electronics and sax, horror movie style
9. Meandering improv with harmonica, organ and sax.. weird
10. Exploring the limits of the Tubax, slow and deliberate
*11. Haunting slow bass flute

Ben B 8/25/04

Track Listing
1. Single Booth Enclosure ...   7. The 15TH
2. Repetition   8. Just Something I Thought of
3. Mr. Amons Builds His Bridge   9. Once Upon a Time on My ...
4. Eye My   10. A History of Everything ...
5. Single Booth Enclosure Third   11. The Last of Its Kind
6. The Mozart of Vice   .