Ghost to Falco / Torn or Broken Shadowed
Album: Torn or Broken Shadowed   Collection:General
Artist:Ghost to Falco   Added:Apr 2004
Label:Coletta Blue Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-05-10 Pull Date: 2004-07-12
Week Ending: Jul 11 Jul 4 Jun 20 May 16
Airplays: 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 16, 2005: Multiple Personality Disorder
4. Jul 03, 2004: On The Warpath
Fifth, Fourth
2. Jan 07, 2005: Multiple Personality Disorder
5. Jun 17, 2004: Multiple Personality Disorder
3. Jul 09, 2004: Multiple Personality Disorder
6. May 12, 2004: Brownian Motion

Album Review
Guest DJ Account
Reviewed 2004-05-05
Wavering vocal, spoken off/on the beat, if any.
Stream of conciousness lyrics with soundscapes and
segmented songs on 2&3. Transitions difficult from 3-4,4-5 (bad editing)

1) Glassean guitars, big chords then quient vox
2) slow quiet acoustic/spoken | Fripplike guitar & xylophone | short noise
3) acoustic/spoken | bombastic guitar chords | spooky vox, echo soundscape - abrupt end
4) loop vox, synth builds lush s/cape, weeooh guitar grades into 5
5) vocal manifesto, twiddling guitar

Track Listing
1. First   4. Fourth
2. Second   5. Fifth
3. Third   .