Leandre, Joelle/Mark Nauseef / Evident
Album: Evident   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Leandre, Joelle/Mark Nauseef   Added:Feb 2004
Label:482 Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-04-12 Pull Date: 2004-06-14 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: May 2 Apr 18
Airplays: 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. May 16, 2006: Umami Jazz Program
Evident 3
3. Apr 16, 2004: Memory Select
Evident 2
2. Apr 30, 2004: Memory Select
Evident 3 [excerpt]
4. Apr 14, 2004: stirlings appro
Evident 9

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2004-04-11

Bass and percussion improvisations. Leandre has a wonderful sense of drama in her playing. Many tracks start with slow, zen-like percussion (2, 3, 6, 7, 9) -- so many that it gets repetitious and annoying -- but bass takes the starring role overall, with percussion setting the backdrop and mood. Recommended overall.

1- Groany, almost industrial. Develops, a beat, then moves into energetic, deep-note territory
2- Fast and skittish, with cool cave-droplets percussion
3- Slowly tuneful, over pensive ringing. Ends with forceful bowing
4- Noisy. Metallic whisking sounds
5- Busy, almost combative, for 2+ minutes. Then high and singing. Ends quiet.
6- Gets into fast rhythmic thumping: Dynamic minor-key
7- Eerily ambient. Long tones
8- Rapid, aggressive sawing. Starts slow.
9- Calm, very slow bells and gongs

Track Listing
1. Evident 1   6. Evident 6
2. Evident 2   7. Evident 7
3. Evident 3   8. Evident 8
4. Evident 4   9. Evident 9
5. Evident 5   .