Day and Taxi / Private
Album: Private   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Day and Taxi   Added:Dec 2003
Label:Percaso Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-02-02 Pull Date: 2004-04-05 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Mar 7 Feb 22 Feb 8
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 05, 2004: Memory Select
Peter Zorro H
3. Feb 06, 2004: Memory Select
2. Feb 20, 2004: Memory Select
Laetitia Pop-Corn

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2004-02-01
Casual sketches from sax-bass-drums trio. Composed bits with a low-key attitude most of the time. Includes some short tracks, 60-90 seconds long, but I prefer the 3-7 minute ones.

The pieces are in a friendly, European mode, the kind that retains a jazz feel but has sprinklings of classical influence. Solos get into some calmly free-jazz territory. Good stuff overall, and the booklet has a nice in-depth interview with composer/leader Christoph Gallio.

1- Quiet little melody
2*- Mid/fast swirling jam. Starts w/squiggly improv
3- Sparse, quiet
4- Fast, and politely strident
5*- Snappy mid/fast, gets into some skronky wandering
6- Small mechanical toy; slowish
7*- Upbeat midtempo melody
8*- Mildly Caribbean; happy, w/nicely involved solos
9- Playfully sparse. Jumpy.
12- Quiet and slow
13- Tuneful w/jagged interruptions. Mid/fast.

Short blips -- 1, 4, 6, 10, 11

Track Listing
1. Chie   8. Ann's Wedding Song
2. Peter Zorro H   9. Quiet Days
3. A Postcard for Andreas   10. Emilio's Party Song
4. Walter and Claudia   11. Yohji
5. Save   12. Lament for Matthias
6. 101   13. Tea for D
7. Laetitia Pop-Corn   .