Edwards, John/Mark Sanders / Nisus Duets
Album: Nisus Duets   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Edwards, John/Mark Sanders   Added:Dec 2003

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-12-22 Pull Date: 2004-02-23 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Feb 8
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 06, 2004: Memory Select

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2004-01-03
Bass/percussion duets. Freely improvised stuff, abstract. The first four tracks are aggressive and easy to get into, but then the session changes personality. The last few tracks are darker, more cerebral sound-spaces. They're also rewarding, but on a less visceral level.

1*- Active tumbling; easy to get into
2- Calm. Starts fast; gets near-silent in the middle
3*- Upbeat, really fast, really loud
4*- Quiet dialogue; nice
5- Cluttery and fast. Gets really busy near the end.
6- Slow, including some strange sour-toned bass
7- Slow, meditative

Track Listing
1. Pointing   5. Peering
2. Painting   6. Pouring
3. Panting   7. Parting
4. Peeling   .