Cheer-Accident / Introducing Lemon
Album: Introducing Lemon   Collection:General
Artist:Cheer-Accident   Added:Nov 2003
Label:Skin Graft Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-02-09 Pull Date: 2004-04-12
Week Ending: Apr 4 Mar 28 Mar 7 Feb 22 Feb 15
Airplays: 1 1 3 2 5

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 22, 2009: public noize racket
4. Mar 04, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Track 29, Zervas
2. Apr 01, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Track 29, Zervas
5. Mar 02, 2004: lick my moody guitar show
The Autumn Wind Is a Pirate
3. Mar 25, 2004: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
6. Mar 01, 2004: The Digital/Analog War

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2004-01-29
Cheer-Accident "Introducing Lemon" - This is their 9th release and it's got some really cool math, angular, prog, pop, and strange rock on here. Most songs have several changes throughout in tempo, time signature, mood, etc. This album is full of instruments too. You'll of course hear some great guitar acrobatics, but also piano, organ, flute, horns, and of course some really nice drumming. The vocals are all male but range from pop harmonies to total spoken weirdness. There are 2 nice epic tracks on here if you're in the mood for 20+ minute songs that really seem to have about 3 or more songs in them. Highly recommended for anyone playing rock that wants something a little different and perhaps a bit more challenging.
My Picks: 3, 4, 8
Katie P. 1/29/04

1) Fast midtempo guitar. Angular and in a minor key. Changes tempo quite often. Fades down and then builds back up. Feels like a different song at this point. It's a little slower and occasionally lighter and happier. Again fades and builds back up. Gets loud all of sudden with about 10min. left. Definitely has moments of epic prog rock in here. Lots of changeups. Some moments of great grooving and moments of total chaotic craziness. Wow, even a groovy horn line at the end. Instrumental.
2) Starts with electronic drum sounds and a creeping organ line. Spoken lyrics. Seriously weird. Dragging midtempo song.
3) Starts with quiet acoustic guitars. Feels a little like spanish guitar, music you'd hear in the desert. Builds up until it's rumbling with many instruments including more guitars, violins, cello maybe, and more. This is rich. Instrumental. Continues into next track.
4) Continued from previous track with the drumbeat. Tempo increases slightly with some baritone sax honks. Then guitar comes in and changes the mood a bit. More angular and minimal. Some weird vocals come in with about 3 min left. This is totally goofy. Last 30 sec. are very distorted.
5) Midtempo with a very prog rock feel with the vocals and everything. Piano and strings, even a tambourine.
6) Slower midtempo and quiet to start. With about 1:30 left it kicks in a lot louder. End abruptly like the needle getting yanked off. Instrumental.
7) Starts with cute flute, horn, and some kind of piano. Then goes into a solid midtempo pop song with a little weirdness here and there. Even some vocal harmonies. Continues into next track.
8) Continued from previous track. Piano, violin, flute, and vibraphone all mixed together. This is really pretty. Fades down with about 1:30 left and then builds again with drums and horns. A weird voice sample including the title of track #1.
9) Fast midtempo to uptempo song. Lots and lots of horns on this one. Wow, this is quite a full arrangement. At times gets simpler with just guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. Gets quite slow and minimal at times. With about 10 min left lots of noise and spacey sounds are added and it kind of turns into a drone. Then vocals come back in. Eventually builds to some serious rawk.

Track Listing
1. The Autumn Wind Is a Pirate   5. The Day After I Never Met Yo
2. Camp O' Physique   6. (The) Men's Wide Open
3. Zervas   7. Smile
4. Track 29   8. While
  9. Find