East River Pipe / Garbageheads on Endless Stun
Album: Garbageheads on Endless Stun   Collection:General
Artist:East River Pipe   Added:Nov 2003
Label:Merge Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-02-23 Pull Date: 2004-04-26
Week Ending: Mar 28 Feb 29
Airplays: 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. May 05, 2006: The Lunchbox
Where Does All the Money Go?
3. Feb 27, 2004: Juan 2-3-Show
Arrival Pad #19
2. Mar 24, 2004: telesto and calypso
I Won't Dream About the Girl
4. Feb 24, 2004: meat man whistle punching sex contest
Stare the Graveyard Down

Album Review
Matt Mettler
Reviewed 2004-02-06
East River Pipe’s frontman, F.M. Cornog, is sort of a NYC legend, as he was once homeless and then started making inventive and eccentric music. This, his fifth LP, is based in shimmering synthesizer and drum machine, which ends up being low-key soft-core pop. He lets the music fill the songs, with the few lyrics being delivered slowly and thoughtfully. It has a dreamy, borderline muzak feel. Perhaps a better comparison is a poppy Phillip Glass. Most of the songs end with a minute or two of instrumentation. It has the feel of serious production, but done at home on a computer instead of a studio. There are some subversive and destructive themes going on here – which interestingly contrasts with the straightforward synthesizer pleasantness. For example, the line about meeting a girl on the freeway: “I promise I won’t leave a scar,” or “put down the blade.” Overall, it is pretty, but lacks variance and an edge. The lyrics are interesting, but so short (usually two/three stanzas) that they don’t really take root and feel more like fleeting vignettes. I don’t like the clown on the cover one bit. Matt M.

1. Mid-tempo – a soft pop song that is subtly antagonist about rich people.
2. Mid-tempo – electronic harpsichord
3. Down-tempo – slow drum machine – dreamy/echo quality to it. Serious synthesizer.
4. Down-tempo – I like the lyrics about buying a gun and killing people with indifference – there are some strange sound effects going on
5. Down-tempo – his voice is electronically distorted.
6. *Mid-tempo – This one has a guitar being strummed, which the others don’t, and it sounds nice.
7. Mid-tempo – Weird. Sort of funky. He speaks lyrics in the second verse that are absurd.
8. Slow – another dark song about an intriguing girl.
9. *Mid-up-tempo – has an eighties flavor – I like the slowly driving rhythm – peaceful.
10. Mid-tempo – Sort of a circus-soft-rock flavor – he has the vocal deliver of a ring master in the beginning. Another one about millionaires. FCC “ass”
11. Mid-tempo – interesting synthesizer melodic noises. Dies away into instrumental pretty quickly.

Track Listing
1. Where Does All the Money Go?   7. Arrival Pad #19
2. Monumental Freaks   8. Streetwalkin' Jean
3. I Won't Dream About the Girl   9. Stare the Graveyard Down
4. I Bought a Gun in Irvington   10. Millionaires of Doubt
5. Girls on the Freeway   11. It's Always Been this Way
6. The Long Black Cloud   .