Head of Femur / Ringodom of Proctor
Album: Ringodom of Proctor   Collection:General
Artist:Head of Femur   Added:Sep 2003
Label:Greyday Productions  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-03-22 Pull Date: 2004-05-24
Week Ending: May 30 May 9 May 2 Apr 18 Mar 28
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 10, 2007: Alban Stands There
80 Steps to Jonah
4. May 24, 2004: Morpheus Descends on the Unwitting World
Acme: the Summit of a Mounta
2. Jul 15, 2005: The Dog and Pony show
Curve that Byrd
5. May 08, 2004: Mor On - The Literate Pop Fan
Curve that Byrd
3. May 27, 2005: The Lunchbox
Acme: the Summit of a Mounta
6. Apr 30, 2004: Distraction-Limited
The True Wheel

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-11-22
This is pop-rock, but definitely into lots of instrumentation. Over-tracked vocals and a variety of instruments abound, giving the record a diverse, disconnected flow. Sometimes it feels like someone set them loose in an elementary school music room. They also seem to be way into stop/start mechanisms. Think Badly Drawn Boy, or “Baby You’re a Rich Man” Beatles. Produced pop-rock, but with energy. Good stuff.

Best tracks: 2, 3, 6, 9.

1. Long drum intro. Up tempo poppy song with starts and stops. Gets all piano-y and airy after a bit. Fades directly into next song.
*2. Fun bassline, some multi-tracked vocals. Xylophone, horns come in.
*3. Slower, with a neat bridge. Tinkly sounds, violin.
4. Vibraphone? Craziness. Strings and piano - mid tempo.
5. Accordion and glockenspiel...see what I mean about the instrumentation?
*6. Bouncy and faster, with a slow interlude. Some fiddly synth.
7. A Brian Eno cover. Mostly synth and guitar - almost sounds brit-poppy.
8. Slower and mellow.
*9. Faster. Cool hand claps and such. A bit of Flaming Lips style silliness.
10. Up tempo guitar song. The production gets a little much.
11. Softer, slower. I’m hearing echoes of the Lips “The Soft Bulletin” again.


Track Listing
1. January on Strike   7. The True Wheel
2. Curve that Byrd   8. Money Is the Root...
3. Yeoman or Tinker   9. Science Needed a Medical Man
4. 80 Steps to Jonah   10. Finally I've Made It Nowhere
5. Me, My Dad, My Cousin, and   11. The Car Wore a Halo Hat
6. Acme: the Summit of a Mounta   .