Neutralizing Force / Fusion
Album: Fusion   Collection:General
Artist:Neutralizing Force   Added:Sep 2003
Label:Mile 329  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-03-15 Pull Date: 2004-05-17 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Mar 28 Mar 21
Airplays: 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 24, 2004: Stirling's Approximation
Fusion Part 8
3. Mar 17, 2004: Stirling's Approximation
Fusion Part 3
2. Mar 17, 2004: Browninan Motion
Fusion Part 3

Album Review
Guest DJ Account
Reviewed 2004-02-18
The 4-word blurb on the CD cover (ambient industrial electro noise) is a great summary. From Voice Industrie-like atmospherics to clanging beats straight outta Death Guild - and that's just track 1 - this all-instrumental disc has enough variations on its general rivet theme to keep the listener interested. Each track has multiple themes, and some songs (4 for example) introduce a theme and then return with variations on it - good stuff. All of the tracks have their merits, and since the CD is basically one tune in 9 parts, it can be a little hard to pull any single one out of the whole. But try: 1 - diverse; 3 - catchy and sinister; 5 - sad and plaintive; 8 - crunchy, shimmery layers.

Track Listing
1. Fusion Part 1   6. Fusion Part 6
2. Fusion Part 2   7. Fusion Part 7
3. Fusion Part 3   8. Fusion Part 8
4. Fusion Part 4   9. Fusion Part 9
5. Fusion Part 5   .