Bronwyn / Through the Fog, Through the P
Album: Through the Fog, Through the P   Collection:General
Artist:Bronwyn   Added:Sep 2003
Label:Greyday Productions  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2004-01-12 Pull Date: 2004-03-15
Week Ending: Feb 22 Feb 1 Jan 25 Jan 18
Airplays: 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 22, 2022: Virtually Happy-2/22/22 2pm
4. Jan 25, 2004: Nothing to Sea
Night Pose
2. Feb 15, 2004: Nothing to Sea
5. Jan 20, 2004: Women Who Rock
Night Pose
3. Feb 02, 2004: Fly By Night
Off 94
6. Jan 14, 2004: Brownian Motion
Off 94

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-12-15

bronwyn - through the fog, through the pines

cool stuff! props to bronwyn for trying to break away from the standard indie pop formula. sure, there are some nice and more conventional sounding songs on this album (3, 5). but there are also some interesting ideas being explored here: layering vocals on top of each other and blurring the line between lead and backup vocals to create cacophony, plus the tendency to switch speeds within a single song. reminds me a bit of sleater-kinney. all tracks are great - try 1, 2, 8, 9.

!!! 1 - keeps switching between mellow to frantic. also, a repeated guitar line that sticks in your head.
!!! 2 - i think i hear a cello(?) in there. again, starts slow and serious then rocks out.
! 3 - this one sounds more like a standard indie rock track with a clearer separation between lead and backup vocals. catchy.
!! 4 - slow (mostly) and haunting.
! 5 - rocking, catchy.
!! 6 - the vocals are super-cool here. and there's a tense, something-about-to-happen feel to the whole track.
! 7 - dragging vocals and the reappearance of that cello(?) makes this song feel a bit sad.
!!! 8 - plodding and almost delicate. lovely.
!!! 9 - a bit twangy and fun! another speed switcher.
!! 10 - slow guitar instrumental at start. after 1:00, turns into fast rocking track.
!! 11 - tired-sounding vocals singing a serious song.

Track Listing
1. Night Pose   7. Hum of Highway
2. In June Minus Moon   8. Off 94
3. Ten Billion Remote Controls   9. Friends for Photos
4. Against the Island   10. No Project no
5. Spotting Ships   11. The Saints
6. Twenty-Two   .