Nurse with Wound / Salt Marie Celeste
Album: Salt Marie Celeste   Collection:General
Artist:Nurse with Wound   Added:Jun 2003
Label:United Dairies  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-08-18 Pull Date: 2003-10-20 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Sep 28 Sep 14 Sep 7 Aug 31 Aug 24
Airplays: 1 1 1 4 1

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 03, 2010: public noize racket
Salt Marie Celeste
4. Apr 06, 2008: public noize racket
Salt Marie Celeste
2. Oct 23, 2010: On The Warpath
Salt Marie Celeste
5. Nov 01, 2007: Living Souls [Halloween Special - with Ross]
Salt Marie Celeste
3. Nov 01, 2008: public noise racket
Salt Marie Celeste
6. Dec 15, 2005: Baptism of Solitude
Salt Marie Celeste

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2003-08-13
“Nurse (with Wound) music is surrealist music” - Stephen Stapelton, interview in The Wire magazine, 1999. Well, yes this is certainly surreal in that it Stapelton/NWW continues to conform to no ideas except that of his own. Ah, but is it ‘music’? Is the does Dick Cheney spew lies out of the side of his mouth? Is Celine Dion go in the category of “difficult music” ?
Anyway, this one solid track of continous slab of fading in & out drone that actually gets interesting the more you listen to it. I found it easy to put this on and just let it go.
This easily becomes meditative & you just ‘go with it’s uh...’flow’. Eventually (give it about 9 & 1/2 minutes the main drone is joined by what sounds like bicycle passing by except they pass by in intervals of about 10-20 seconds.
Then the overall mix eventually gets more dense & has a random flat horn thrown in and then around 20 minutes past the waves from the original sound vary a little bit & a creaky wooden door being opened (25+ minutes into this piece) & some squealing saxophones or are those just more doors with hinges that desparately need oiling?) 45 or so minutes after. I've recently found out that the whole piece is supposed to be as if your on a ship - so make of that what you will. Maybe the 'bicycle noise' is supposed to be the wind whiping through the sails and so on. Total time is over 61 minutes. With a name like Nurse With Wound: it has to be twisted!

Track Listing
  1. Salt Marie Celeste