Mc Paul Barman / Paullelujah!
Album: Paullelujah!   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Mc Paul Barman   Added:May 2003
Label:Coup D'etat  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-06-30 Pull Date: 2003-09-01 Charts: Hip-Hop
Week Ending: Aug 24 Aug 10 Aug 3 Jul 20 Jul 13 Jul 6
Airplays: 1 3 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 08, 2008: RipRidah RADIO
Excuse You
4. Apr 18, 2006: Radio Of Imagination
Bleeding Brain Grow
2. Jul 04, 2007: Eran Mukamelusa (coma)
Excuse You
5. Apr 06, 2006: Eran Mukamel (pointillistic sonatinas)
Old Paul
3. Oct 11, 2006: Eran Mukamel as Folk (horchata)
Old Paul
6. Jan 26, 2006: Eran Mukamel (Presbyterian rap-metal)
Old Paul

Album Review
Hannah Mae
Reviewed 2003-06-25
The usual MC Paul Barman ridiculously-clever rhymes loaded with lefty cultural references, sex, and words of as many syllables as possible. His dandy voice still makes the most anti-choice granny’s panties moist, but he seems to have acquired some swing somewhere. You’ll still want to quote every other line (just ask Smurph), he just doesn’t sound so endearingly square anymore.

1. intro filled with awful singing, yeah
2. has the singing from 1. as the hook
3. a partial list of the celebrities MCPB would be interested in having sex with, from Heidi Klum to Amy Tan
4. choir and flute, yipes
5. beats sound like a jazz combo playing nintendo music, raps about the cosmic connections between black people and jewish people, I think
6. beats just sound like nintendo, rhymes about getting laid at the NOW rally (“I follow politics to ball all the chicks”)
7. SAT rap
8. seems like more an excuse to show off his vocabulary than… well, it don’t make hardly any sense. But that’s okay.
9. lefty politics ahoy! I love this song
10. gross-out body-physics lesson. Play this for the curious kindergartners in your life!
11. hysterical dead-on folk song (that’s right, no rapping! But there’s rhymes, and they’re funny)
12. semi-instrumental sequel to 9.
13. supa jazzy spoken word type thing about a trip to San Francisco

Track Listing
1. It's Here   8. Vulture Shark Sculpture Park
2. Paullelujah   9. Anarchist Bookstore Part 1
3. Cock Mobster   10. Burping and Farting
4. Old Paul   11. Talking Time Travel
5. Bleeding Brain Grow   12. Anarchist Bookstore Part 2
6. N.O.W.   13. A Somewhat New Medium
7. Excuse You   .