Szemzo, Tibor / South of no North
Album: South of no North   Collection:General
Artist:Szemzo, Tibor   Added:Apr 2003
Label:Leo Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-05-19 Pull Date: 2003-07-21
Week Ending: Jun 8 Jun 1 May 25
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 06, 2003: The Digital/Analog War
Like Kaylash
3. May 21, 2003: Off the Path
South of no North
2. May 29, 2003: Baptism of Solitude
Like Kaylash

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-05-01
Soundtrack music to an indie film about Kosovar children at a dicey time. Sad but not maudlin music, mostly slow, with much wordless choral chanting. As with the recent "Danube Exodus", this is very highly recommended.

1. Bass and voices only on this slow, beautiful track
2. Stabbing bits of prepared piano strewn in amongst a lot of open space
3. Three-way call and response between bass, brass (probably sampled or synthesized), and voice
4. Slow, quiet whirring and forlorn flute echo through this drony piece
5. A very pretty melody parsimoniously dispensed
6. A repetitive baseline supports violin, flute, piano hints
7. This one is distinguished by actual lyrics
8. Old lady speaking samples over relatively light tune
9. Similar to track 2 in its sparseness
10. Bass, piano, and voice

Track Listing
1. South of no North   6. The Poppy One
2. Beuys   7. J.A.S.
3. 17   8. Gilt Edge
4. Like Kaylash   9. Space
5. Edmond &Valdrim   10. On the Sky