Gonzales / Take Me to Broadway
Album: Take Me to Broadway   Collection:General
Artist:Gonzales   Added:Mar 2003

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 23, 2003: Bite and Hide
Take Me to Broadway
3. Jul 09, 2003: Bite and Hide
Take Me to Broadway
2. Jul 16, 2003: Bite and Hide
Return of the Sugar Plum Fay

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-06-12
A (cleaned-up) single from the recent Gonzales album augmented by two frothy instrumentals.

1. Bass-heavy sassy pop-rap taken from the album but pre-censored-for-the-FCC
2. Sugar plum fairies go Miami bass; funnily, the Tchaikovsky bit is recycled from a track on the album
3. Mock-classical piano and the tinny wheeze of a cheap synth duke it out; sounds ever so much like a Liberace monstrosity - perhaps that's the visual allusion in the photo inside

Track Listing
1. Take Me to Broadway   3. Concerto in E Minor
2. Return of the Sugar Plum Fay   .