Volcano, I'm Still Excited!! / Carbon Copy
Album: Carbon Copy   Collection:General
Artist:Volcano, I'm Still Excited!!   Added:Feb 2003
Label:Half a Brick Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 12, 2006: What's in the Icebox?
The New Brad
2. Apr 13, 2005: Strange Attractor
Trunk of My Car

Album Review
Reviewed 2003-04-09
pretty decent indie rock/pop with a consistently whiney male singer and unusual but intriguing appearances of horns and cellos. i like it because it sounds different and you just gotta love that band name! the last three tracks are my favorite (but #4 has "shit" in it).

1 - get ready for the super droney start to the EP. slow marchy drums kick in at around 1:30.
2 - faster, poppier. reminds me of death cab for cutie and velvet teen. a bit too repetitious for my taste though.
3 - short, simple, pretty ballads are always good for the soul.
4 - FCC WARNING: "that shit hurts". poppy with a kind of catchy hook.
5 - volcano ISE! goes acapella for the first minute or so. then all goes to hell with everyone singing in rounds and horns going on in the background. chaotic, confusing, and interesting. play it and you won't be sorry.

Track Listing
1. Carbon Copy   4. 2ND Gun
2. The New Brad   5. Trunk of My Car
3. Durham   .