Change of Time / Change of Time
Album: Change of Time   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Change of Time   Added:May 2002

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 13, 2002: Memory Select
3. Aug 23, 2002: Memory Select
Transiting (II)
2. Sep 06, 2002: Memory Select
Change of Time
4. Jul 26, 2002: Umami Jazz Program

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2002-07-18
Chamber jazz, based loosely on some piano pieces by Bela Bartok. The cover mentions "tone poems," which isn’t a bad description -- these pieces kind of hover and float. The trio is led by saxophone, which provides some laid-back, reasonably jazzy melodic lines, and a very classical-minded piano.

1- Nice abstract wandering, coalesces into light jazz.
2- Some spritely jazz, cools off later
5- Fast, wandering piano
6- Slow, drifting, pretty.
10- Slow, a little dark
11- Quiet, lurking
13- Small curls of melody
14- Abstract jazz; gets into some nicely spiky piano

Track Listing
1. Transiting (I)   9. Pozeny
2. Nodal   10. Brume
3. Change of Time   11. Symmetrics (I)
4. Cells (Sax Solo)   12. Cells (Piano Solo)
5. Java   13. Transiting (Ii)
6. Kidsong   14. Bela
7. Lunation   15. Symmetrics (Ii)
8. Cells (Bass Solo)   .