Surman, John/Jack Dejohnette / Invisible Nature
Album: Invisible Nature   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Surman, John/Jack Dejohnette   Added:Mar 2002
Label:Ecm Records (Jazz)  

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 30, 2004: Sunshine ... says Goodbye 2004
Ganges Groove
3. Apr 19, 2002: Memory Select
Rising Tide
2. Apr 26, 2002: Memory Select
Outback Spirits

Album Review
Craig Matsumoto
Reviewed 2002-04-17
Nice free-jazz duet of sax and drums, with smatterings of electronics and synths. Atmospheric but not droney -- Surman plays with plenty of spike and fire, things often missing from ECM CDs. Track #2 even gets a little free-boppish. DeJohnette on drums adds plenty of thunder. Excellent stuff.
APPLAUSE after every track.

1- Droney and slow, a dark brew of echoey sax
2- Fiercely jazzy: melodic and upbeat
3- Perky drone
4- Mid/fast and loud. Drum solo opens.
5- Fluttery Arabic mode
6- Dusky bop sax, with synths that are probably a mistake
7- Gentle, sad piano piece

Track Listing
1. Mysterium   5. Ganges Groove
2. Rising Tide   6. Fiar Trade
3. Outback Spirits   7. Song for World Forgiveness
4. Underground Movement   .