Andalusia / This Is no Place
Album: This Is no Place   Collection:General
Artist:Andalusia   Added:Nov 2001
Label:No Label  

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 10, 2010: Music Casserole [SSP edition]
Number Three Bowie
4. Nov 07, 2003: the discovery channel
Number Three Bowie
2. Jul 26, 2004: Cleanup on Aisle You
5. Mar 15, 2003: Mais non peut-etre
Number Three Bowie
3. Nov 21, 2003: the discovery channel
My Dream
6. Feb 08, 2003: On The Warpath
Number Three Bowie

Album Review
Ragnar of Ravensfjord
Reviewed 2007-07-13
3 tracks of floating, melodic, etheral beauty done in the way that many English bands (Dif Juz, Slowdive, Durutti Column) have done. Mountain View band that's been around for a few years. While their sound invokes cinematic images - their live shows (as with this EP) include images of Luis Buñuel's "Un Chine Anadlu" and Tod Browning's "Freaks". Overall, some GREAT "chill time" music.

((((1)))) slow, gorgeous Slowdive-ish, drifting, some very excellent guitar & bass action.
(((((2))))) Drum & bass led intro with almost traditional Asian sounding guitars. Somewhere between Durutti Column & Dif Juz.
((((3))) Noodling guitar with slightly funky drums into a wonderful journey of cascading sounding that would be pieces of Coucteau Twins, My Bloody Valentine. Shimmery is the operative word here.

Track Listing
1. My Dream   3. Number Three Bowie
2. Saltwater   .