Acid Mothers Temple And The Melting Paraiso Ufo / New Geocentric World
Album: New Geocentric World   Collection:General
Artist:Acid Mothers Temple And The Melting Paraiso Ufo   Added:Sep 2001

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 05, 2015: radio seven
Mellow Hollow Love
4. May 10, 2007: The Adventurer's Choice
Mellow Hollow Love
2. Nov 20, 2008: A2Z
Occie Lady
5. Jan 06, 2007: 60th Anniversary Marathon - 2001
Space Age Ballad
3. Apr 24, 2008: A2Z
What Do I Want to Know
6. Mar 02, 2005: I'd Rather Be Dead Than Cool
Occie Lady

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2001-10-22
From the brain damaged Japanese school of Boredoms, Ruins, et al. come these guys and geishas: fucked up heavily treated spazz-out rock jams that go “way too long” (to be “normal” that is) juxtaposed w/ quiet trippy tape loops and electronics (last track is like old school Eno, or new school Amp). Assuming that “acid” means tons of effects, primarily echoverb, indecipherable lyrics, blatant disregard for form or melody, plus a nod to the 60’s, these kooks sleep on Owsley’s floor. Fine stuff, the embodiment of KZSU, college radio.

1) starts electronic/sample minimal then kicks into noisy heavily treated garage jam-out rock a la’ Mogwai as remixed by Kevin Shields, goes on “forever” (21:24)
2) “quiet” tape looped organ, some guit and trippy voc melodies, gets droney
3) slower psych rock jam, super trippy feel, effects, echoey “vocs” indecipherable but there (10:40)
4) “eastern” sorta guit+swirling synth, fem operatic vocs enter distant, drony, minimal
5) jam out bash out psych garage rock, super-overdriven then like Sybil shifts to super quiet trippy solo acous piano dissonance
6) strummy trippy guit w/ electronic noises and trippy vocs
7) another super long one (15:06), drony but pretty looped lush sounds, turns slightly discordant, Flying Saucer Attack, Amp; then stops and turns old school Eno momentarily, righteous morning music with beautiful guits, sleepy and downright beautiful

Track Listing
1. Psycho Buddha   5. Occie Lady
2. Space Age Ballad   6. Mellow Hollow Love
3. You're Still Now Near Me Eve   7. What Do I Want to Know
4. Universe of Romance   .