Gates, Rebecca / Ruby Series
Album: Ruby Series   Collection:General
Artist:Gates, Rebecca   Added:Jul 2001
Label:Badman Recording Company  

Recent Airplay
1. May 05, 2007: Biff Bang Pow
Lure and Cast
3. Aug 29, 2003: 15 MIles til Sunday
Lure and Cast
2. Sep 12, 2003: 15 MIles til Sunday
Lure and Cast
4. Sep 17, 2001: The Awesome Power of a Fully Operational DJ

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2001-09-04
Rebecca Gates 08/29/01

Spinnanes girl collaborates w/ Tortise guy et al. so its all 60’s 70’s smarmy retro Rhodes, Wurlitzer, vibes, and super slick studio tricks, production. Dark ballads w/ post-rock-isms. Gates has a rather sultrey voice that sounds low no matter how high her notes. Excellent stuff when the Tortise hand isn’t too heavy. All mysterious and pretty and good.

1) mid-slow swingy loungy w/ retro Rhodes sound, dark, sultry
2) super slick electro beats w/ vibes and retro sound, nice voc melodies
3) minimal wafting electronics w/ slow phrased vocs and guit
4) upbeat pop beat and feel near trip hop
5) sparser feel, almost straight pop despite interesting production and efx, pretty
6) slow phrased Low-like vocs, guit, bowed bass, no drums
7) slow solo acoustic guit +vocs, electronics, etc enter slowly, minimally

Track Listing
1. Seldom Scene, the   5. Doos
2. Lure and Cast   6. Colonel's Circle, the
3. Move   7. I Received a Levitation
4. In a Star Orbit   .