Kepler / Fuck Fight Fail
Album: Fuck Fight Fail   Collection:General
Artist:Kepler   Added:Jan 2001
Label:Troubleman Unlimited  

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 14, 2013: Lost Valentines
The Way You Fall Apart
3. Jan 25, 2011: Ghost Trees
The Way You Fall Apart
2. Apr 09, 2011: Of Sound Mind
Loose Ground
4. Jan 03, 2002: Strange Attractors
Loose Ground

Album Review
Reviewed 2001-09-02
Kepler - A Canadian indie rock band with two members in common wtih Weights & Measures. You're going to hear reverby guitar, drums, bass, keys, & whispery vocals making quiet, lovely sounds; somewhere between Low and the For Carnation. This whole album is a lullaby, but with enough melodic poignancy to make it interesting. -nari

1. Short intro sets the mood; gently rolling lonesome melody.

*2. Calm; wistful, yearning vocals.

3. Hushed, controlled. Takes 5 minutes to bloom.

*4. FCC word at 0:48? You be the judge. Don't miss this track though; grows from tranquil beginnings to a dramatic GYBE!-style apex.

*5. Eerie, minimal opening texture. Unfolds->melancholy instrumental.

*6. Acoustic guitar gives it a ballad feel. Earnest, lovesick lyrics.

7. Fleshes out after 4 min of minimal, foreboding opening. Concludes suddenly with the most raucous point on the album - amped guitars, big symbal splashes, rock n roll.

8. Simple, sweet solo guitar opening. Enter delicate vocals. Stays quiet, sweet throughout.

Track Listing
1. I Will not Return Your...   5. The Elegant Recline
2. Loose Ground   6. The Way You Fall Apart
3. Light House   7. The Changing Light At...
4. Upper Canada Fight Song   8. Box 3, Reel 5