Jefferies, Peter / Electricity
Album: Electricity   Collection:General
Artist:Jefferies, Peter   Added:Aug 1994
Label:Ajax Records  

Recent Airplay
1. Aug 16, 2017: Brownian Motion with sp Guests DJ Escher and Robert Rich
Don't Look Down
2. Aug 13, 2002: Mr. Sparkle Challenge
Dear Boss

Track Listing
1. Wind Up   10. Don't Look Down
2. Quality   11. Couldn't Write a Book
3. Clear My Morning   12. Every Once in a While
4. Dear Boss   13. Just Nothing
5. Scattered Logic   14. Crossover
6. Electricity   15. White Prole
7. By Small Degrees   16. Brighten or Bleed
8. Next   17. Scissors
9. Snare   .