Colleen / Le Jour Et La Nuit Du Réel
Album: Le Jour Et La Nuit Du Réel   Collection:General - Electronic
Artist:Colleen   Added:Nov 2023
Label:Thrill Jockey Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2024-10-26 Pull Date: 2025-01-25 Charts: Electronic
Week Ending: Jan 12 Jan 5 Dec 1 Nov 24 Nov 10
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 01, 2025: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
The Long Wait - Movement I
4. Nov 30, 2024: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
Subterranean - Movement Iii
2. Jan 06, 2025: Virtually Happy
Mon Coeur - Movement I,II,III
5. Nov 18, 2024: Virtually Happy
Be Without Being Seen - Movements I-III
3. Jan 04, 2025: Buford J. Sharkley Presents: As Told to Hervey Okkles
Subterranean - Movement I
6. Nov 03, 2024: I Like to Dance: Shake Off Your Pants
Subterranean - Movement I

Album Review
Trainee Review Bot
Reviewed 2024-10-26
Colleen - Le Jour Et La Nuit Du Réel
Reviewed by Yo, Pierre
Colleen is the pseudonym for French artist Cécile Schott. Le Jour Et La Nuit Du Réel is Colleen’s first purely instrumental work since 2007 and her first double album. The double album is a collection of synth-wave lofi beats and instrumentals that are calming and relaxing. I liked the lack of lyrics and the placement of focus on the beats and melodic highs and lows.
RIYL: Lofi Girl
Recommended Tracks: 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21

1. (3:43)–Subterranean - Movement I: It is great for zoning and focusing on something, while having a slight headbop. Very techno.
2. (3:30)–Subterranean - Movement II: It is very similar to track 1, almost like they have an extended version. Very rough and bass-heavy fade-out
3. *(3:11)–Subterranean - Movement III: It gives me techno, lofi vibes; almost like exploring space. And a nice fadeout on song three.
4. (2:33)–The long wait - Movement I: It sounds more ominous than the previous 3 tracks.
5. *(3:00)–The long wait - Movement II: It has a nice fade-in and a lighter frequency of repeated beats.
6. (1:29)–To hold and to be held - Movement I: It sounds as if you were lost, exploring the wild.
7. (1:35)–To hold and to be held - Movement II: It sounds very similar to track 6, and feels like an extension of the song
8. (1: 51)–Mon coeur - Movement I: It sounds hopeful.
9. (1:10)–Mon coeur - Movement II: It sounds perplexing, like what thoughts and deliberation would sound like if given auditorial form.
10. (1:17)–Mon coeur - Movement III: It sounds perplexing as well but almost like you are close to a solution or ending your train of thought. Very similar in highs and lows as track 9.
11. (2:05)–Be without being seen - Movement I: It sounds like daydreaming
12. *(1:29)–Be without being seen - Movement II: It has lots of highs and lows—very synth-wave.
13. *(1:21)–Be without being seen - Movement III: It sounds like an argument between robots. Very stimulating.
14. (4:40)–Les parenthèses enchantées - Movement I: It sounds like waking up and looking around.
15. (4:40)–Les parenthèses enchantées - Movement II: It sounds like lazily blocking guitar strings but on a synth-guitar
16. (5:26)–Les parenthèses enchantées - Movement III: It sounds sounds very happy go lucky. A melodic up and down flow.
17. *(3:01)–Les parenthèses enchantées - Movement IV: It has a very slow fade in; calming–static buzzing at the end.
18. (3:00)–Les parenthèses enchantées - Epilogue: It sounds very similar to a full set on a synth-guitar
19. (2:11)–Night looping - Movement I: It sounds like relaxing on an island vibes.
20. *(2:17)–Night looping - Movement II: It has a very rapid back-and-forth repetition, with the illusion of a slow build-up in the background.
21. * (3:46)–Night looping - Movement III: It is very similar to track 20 with the rapid back and forth, but a slightly slower repetition, but with a constantly oscillating background sound—first build down then build up, repeat. It ends with a repeated sound at the end that flows the partner of build up then build down, with a fade out at the end.

Track Listing
1. Subterranean - Movement I   12. Be Without Being Seen - Movement Ii
2. Subterranean - Movement Ii   13. Be Without Being Seen - Movement Iii
3. Subterranean - Movement Iii   14. Les Parenthèses Enchantées - Movement I
4. The Long Wait - Movement I   15. Les Parenthèses Enchantées - Movement Ii
5. The Long Wait - Movement Ii   16. Les Parenthèses Enchantées - Movement Iii
6. To Hold and to Be Held - Movement I   17. Les Parenthèses Enchantées - Movement Iv
7. To Hold and to Be Held - Movement Ii   18. Les Parenthèses Enchantées - Epilogue
8. Mon Coeur - Movement I   19. Night Looping
9. Mon Coeur - Movement Ii   20. Night Looping Ii
10. Mon Coeur - Movement Iii   21. Night Looping Iii
11. Be Without Being Seen - Movement I   .