Lee, Haerim Elzabeth / My Time Is Now
Album: My Time Is Now   Collection:Classical
Artist:Lee, Haerim Elzabeth   Added:Nov 2019
Label:Innova Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2019-12-18 Pull Date: 2020-02-19 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Feb 9 Feb 2 Jan 5 Dec 22
Airplays: 1 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Nov 04, 2021: Run-Away-Radio (rebroadcast from Feb 6, 2020)
Viva For Solo Violin
4. Jan 02, 2020: Old Fart At Play
American In Paris
2. Feb 06, 2020: Run-Away-Radio
Viva For Solo Violin
5. Jan 01, 2020: ModernTekNews
American In Paris, Three Preludes No.1, Summertime, It Ain't Necessarily So
3. Jan 30, 2020: Old Fart At Play
American In Paris
6. Dec 21, 2019: Music Casserole
American In Paris, Fantasy For Solo Violin

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2019-11-29
Reviewed: 2019-11-29
Genre: Classical (X)
FCCs: none
Review: Rich sonatas are delivered by violinist Lee as she teams with pianist Alex Brown on a collection of Gershwin interpretations and a few extras. The Gershwin pieces are arranged by Jascha Heifetz for the most part and reflect the “Golden Age” of the era well, in a stately post-ragtime, pre-swing mode.
Lee’s tone is at turns rich and palpable, elegant, urgent, dark, and dramatic.
If You Like: Itzhak Perlman, Regina Carter, Jenny Scheinman, Hannah Addario-Berry
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
**1/ It Ain’t Necessarily So (5:42) – violin starts> midtempo duet> violin solo> piano solo> midtempo duet swings up briefly then slows to midtempo> crescendo end
*2/ #TBT (5:06) – violin starts> slow tempo duet morphs into off-kilter midtempo, then slows to slow tempo> slow fade
*3/ Three Preludes No. 1 (1:45) – piano starts> slow tempo duet swings uptempo> quick stop
4/ Three Preludes No. 2 (3:56) – piano starts> slow tempo duet> slowly builds to midtempo> slows to fade
*5/ Three Preludes No. 3 (1:22) – piano starts> fast tempo jam> quick stop
**6/ Fantasy For Solo Violin (6:42) – violin starts hard> slow solo swings back & forth in tempo> quick stop
7/ Viva For Solo Violin (2:52) – violin starts hard> slow solo swings back & forth in tempo> pause> uptempo solo> quick stop
8/ Graceful Ghost (6:36) – piano starts> midtempo duet> piano solo> violin solo> midtempo duet> quick stop
**9/ Summertime (3:28) – piano solo starts> slow tempo duet builds to midtempo> crescendo end
**10/ A Woman Is A Sometime Thing (1:43) – piano hits a note> pause> uptempo duet> crescendo end
*11/ Bess, You Is My Woman (5:19) – piano starts> midtempo duet> builds in volume> pause> midtempo duet> builds in volume> pause> midtempo duet slows to fade
*12/ My Man’s Gone Now (4:16) – piano starts hard> midtempo duet> quick stop
*13/ Tempo Di Blues (3:18) – piano/violin start> midtempo duet> shifts uptempo> builds to crescendo> brief fast tempo duet> quick stop
14/ Short Story (2:56) – violin starts> midtempo duet swings to crescendo> slow duet> uptempo ragtime duet> quick stop
***15/ American In Paris (6:16) – piano/violin starts>fast tempo duet> pause> fast duet> pause> midtempo duet> pause> slow tempo duet> pause> midtempo duet> swings to uptempo> pause> midtempo duet swings to uptempo> crescendo end
16/ Embraceable You (5:14) – violin solo starts slow> slow tempo duet> slow fade
17/ Sleepless Night (2:39) – piano/violin starts> midtempo duet> slow fade
*18/ Violin Piece (5:18) – piano starts> slow duet> violin solo> piano solo> slow duet> quick stop

Track Listing
1. It Ain't Necessarily So   10. A Woman Is A Sometime Thing
2. #tbt   11. Bess, You Is My Woman
3. Three Preludes No.1   12. My Man Is Gone
4. Three Preludes No.2   13. Tempo Di Blues
5. Three Preludes No.3   14. Short Story
6. Fantasy For Solo Violin   15. American In Paris
7. Viva For Solo Violin   16. Embraceable You
8. Graceful Ghost   17. Sleepless Night
9. Summertime   18. Violin Piece