Scott, Kendrick Oracle / A Wall Becomes A Bridge
Album: A Wall Becomes A Bridge   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Scott, Kendrick Oracle   Added:Apr 2019
Label:Blue Note Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2019-05-10 Pull Date: 2019-07-12 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jul 14 May 19
Airplays: 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 20, 2019: Music Casserole
3. Jul 09, 2019: Clean Copper Radio & Hot Topics
2. Jul 11, 2019: ERA
4. May 14, 2019: Clean Copper Radio & Hot Topics

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2019-04-29
Reviewed: 2018-04-29
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: Drummer Scott expands his quintet with turntables & returns with an inspiring new 12-song cycle about overcoming obstacles both personal and collective. Together, they produce a contemplative, mostly ensemble-based, lyrical style of jazz that favors gentle harmonic exploration and blending over explosive firepower.
If You Like: Billy Cobham, Miles Okazaki, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
1/ New Eyes (4:20) – spoken word starts> synth joins> slow jam with spoken word interspersed> slow fade
*2/ Moccam (5:51) – piano starts> midtempo jam> builds in volume> piano solo> sax solo swings into uptempo jam> slow fade
*3/ Windows (2:55) – spoken words starts> turntables kick in> uptempo jam with spoken phrase interjected> sax solo> brief uptempo jam> quick fade
**4/ Voices (6:47) – drums start> slow jam> sax solo builds into midtempo jam> guitar solo> uptempo jam> slows with spoken word to fade & segues to next track
5/ BeLoved (0:58) – Rhodes starts with modulated sounds & echoing vocal overlay> fade
*6/ Don Blue (4:58) – piano starts> midtempo jam> beautiful guitar solo builds into uptempo jam> beautiful piano solo slows to slow jam & fades
7/ Becoming (4:52) – sax starts> slow jam with sax up front> piano solo> slow jam> slow fade
8/ Horizons (1:52) – turntables start> midtempo jam with echoing spoken vocal over the top> fade
*9/ The Catalyst (7:05) – drums/Rhodes start> midtempo jam> guitar solo> sax solo> piano solo> uptempo jam> crescendo> drops back to midtempo jam> slow fade
10/ Pleh (2:12) – Rhodes/spoken echoing vocal starts & reverse notes> midtempo jam> drum solo over the top> quick stop
**11/ Nemesis (5:52) – drums start> midtempo jam> piano solo> guitar solo> midtempo jam swells in volume, then mellows with muted spoken word to fade
*12/ Archangel (6:52) – piano starts> midtempo jam builds in volume with synthesized choral> piano/bass duet> midtempo jam builds in volume, then slows to fade

Track Listing
1. New Eyes   7. Becoming
2. Moccan   8. Horizons
3. Windows   9. The Catalyst
4. Voices   10. Pich
5. Be Loved   11. Nemesis
6. Don Blue   12. Archangel