Wax Chattels / Wax Chattels
Album: Wax Chattels   Collection:General
Artist:Wax Chattels   Added:Aug 2018
Label:Captured Tracks  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-08-26 Pull Date: 2018-10-28
Week Ending: Oct 21 Sep 23 Sep 16 Sep 9 Sep 2
Airplays: 2 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 04, 2025: Music Casserole
4. Jan 29, 2019: Magnetized Toner = Best of 2018 [Conclusion] + New Music
Stay Disappointed
2. Sep 02, 2021: Magnetized Toner (rebroadcast from Jul 29, 2021)
In My Mouth
5. Oct 18, 2018: Being as an ocean
3. Jul 29, 2021: Magnetized Toner (rebroadcast from Mar 12, 2019)
In My Mouth
6. Oct 17, 2018: The Fuzz Deli
In My Mouth

Album Review
Super Chuck
Reviewed 2018-08-21
Wax Chattels create darkly hypnotic and frenetic music that's both rhythmically complex and sinister. The Auckland-based trio have captured the live ferocity of their “guitarless guitar music” beautifully. Melodic yet ruthlessly dissonant, Wax Chattels takes full control of their powerful sound that comprises of drums, bass and a keyboard with such skill that it’s easy to forget or even care that there are no guitars. If that isn’t number 8 wire Kiwi ingenuity, then I don’t know what is.

Like: Moaning, Metz, Prettiest Eyes, B Boys

FCC 3, 6, 9

Play: 2, 5, 7

1.Concrete (4:32) Math-y approach to timing and noisy syncopation.
2.Stay Disappointed (3:25) Kiwi underground rock history, the one that's a bit less sunny and a bit less jangly.
3.It (2:03) Nihilistic bites with electro-garage-punk fillings.
4.Gillian (4:31) An ode to Gillian Anderson of X-Files
5.In My Mouth (4:31) Deliciously dark rowdy punk spirit and scraped-knee hooks.
6.Shrinkage (3:06) Hair-ripping and mosh-pit makeup density of drums-driven.
7.Career (3:59) Haunting vocals open up wide, blurry spaces on the ever-building.
8.NRG (3:18) Raw organ squeals from a keyboard that sounds like it’s on the verge of short-circuiting.
9.Parallel Lines (6:10) Damaged Bug-esque pop.
10.Facebook (3:39) lurching, static, borderline sludgy.

Track Listing
1. Concrete   6. Shrinkage
2. Stay Disappointed   7. Career
3. It   8. Nrg
4. Gillian   9. Parallel Lines
5. In My Mouth   10. Facebook