Ariosto, Rob & Friends / Mixed Bag
Album: Mixed Bag   Collection:General
Artist:Ariosto, Rob & Friends   Added:Jul 2018
Label:Self Release  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-08-02 Pull Date: 2018-10-04
Week Ending: Sep 30
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 27, 2018: Butter and Jams
Doing The Best That I Can

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-07-25
Reviewed: 2018-07-25
Genre: General
FCCs: none
Review: Nashville session cat and songwriter shows of his chops with his versatile stable of fellow musicians
If You Like: JJ Cale, Daniel Lanois, Kevin Tihista, Jackson Browne, Jack Johnson
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ At the Crossroads (3:48) – bass/organ starts> midtempo song> funky guitar solo> song> quick stop on vocal
2/ Better Wait ‘Til Morning (4:40) – piano/organ start> slow song> chorus kicks in> builds in volume> guitar solo> slow song> slow fade
*3/ Doing The Best That I Can (3:59) –guitar/piano starts> midtempo song> guitar solo> midtempo song> quick fade
*4/ Faded Memory (4:48) – guitar starts> slow song> rocking slow guitar solo> slow song> quick fade
5/ Class Reunion (5:01) – drums start> uptempo song with layered vocals like early Beach Boys> sax solo> uptempo song> fade
6/ Maybe (5:01) – piano starts> slow song swells in volume> sliding guitar solo> slow song swells in volume> slow fade
7/ When I Hear A Song (4:28) – drum starts> slow song with Latin vibe> guitar solo swings to midtempo jam> midtempo song> quick fade on vocal
*8/ Sad Eyed Lady (4:02) – guitar starts> fast jam> fast song> quick fade
*9/ Really Cool To Fly (4:09) – guitar starts> slow song swells to midtempo rocker> crescendo> pause> slow song> slow fade

Track Listing
1. At The Crossroads   6. Maybe
2. Better Wait 'til Morning   7. When I Hear A Song
3. Doing The Best That I Can   8. Sad Eyed Lady
4. Faded Memory   9. Really Cool To Fly
5. Class Reunion   .