Nussa, Harold Lopez / Un Dia Cualquiera
Album: Un Dia Cualquiera   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Nussa, Harold Lopez   Added:Jul 2018
Label:Mack Avenue  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-07-27 Pull Date: 2018-09-28 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Sep 30 Sep 23 Sep 16 Aug 26 Aug 19 Aug 5 Jul 29
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Recent Airplay
1. Sep 27, 2018: Clean Copper Radio & Hot Topics
Y La Negra Bailaba
4. Sep 13, 2018: No Cover, No Minimum
2. Sep 19, 2018: Mix Tape
Ma Petite Dans La Boulangerie, Hialeah
5. Aug 20, 2018: Unintentional Radio
Y La Negra Bailaba
3. Sep 17, 2018: w/e with Bon Bon Vivant
6. Aug 17, 2018: Old Fart at Play

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-07-15
Reviewed: 2018-07-14
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: The new disc from Lopez-Nussa is a forceful statement from a Cuban musician leading his tight-knit Cuban band, & influenced by music from both countries in ways that transcend narrow notions of “Latin jazz.” The album nods to classic Cuban composers and musicians but it focuses mostly on pianist López-Nussa’s original compositions and his distinctive trio concept.
If You Like: Chucho Valdez, Tete Montiliu, Gonzalo Rubalcaba
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ Cimarron (3:51) – drums start> uptempo jam> piano solo swings to fast tempo> bass solo> drum solo> uptempo jam< quick stop
2/ Danza De Los Nanigos (4:29) – bass starts slow> slow jam builds to midtempo> piano solo> midtempo jam> quick stop
*3/ Una Tarde Cualquiera En Paris (To Bebo Valdez) (4:48) – piano starts> midtempo jam> piano solo> midtempo jam> bass solo> piano & bass trade riffs> swings uptempo & wild> drum solo> quick stop
4/ Preludio (To Jose Juan) (3:28) – piano starts quiet & slow> slow jam> midtempo piano solo slows into slow jam> fade
5/ Elegua (5:06) – bass/piano starts> slow jam swings into midtempo with heavy chords> slows to slow jam> shifting melodies & tempos> quick fade
*6/ Hialeah (3;32) – piano starts uptempo jam> piano solo> pause> melody shift to Latin beat with heavy percussion> quick stop
*7/ Ma Petite Dans La Boulangerie (3;56) – piano starts> midtempo jam swings uptempo> lightning fast almost orchestral piano solo> uptempo jam with a majestic sweep quickly slows to slow jam> fade
*8/ Y La Negra Bailaba (4:01) – piano starts> bouncy uptempo jam with music cascading in waves of sound> shifting melodies & tempos sings into uptempo jam> false stop> uptempo jam> quick stop
9/ Conga Total/ El Cumbanchero (3:39) – drums start> uptempo jam swings to fast jam> lightning fast piano solo> rocking fast jam> quick stop
10/ Contigo En La Distancia (5:47) – piano starts slow & quiet> bass solo> gorgeous piano solo> slow jam> slow fade
11/ Mi Son Cerra’o (4:47) – spoken word starts> uptempo rocking Latin rhythm jam> rocking piano solo> false stop> melody shift, still uptempo> melody shift, still uptempo> bass solo> uptempo jam> bass/percussion duet> quick stop

Track Listing
1. Cimarron   7. Ma Petite Dans La Boulangerie
2. Danza De Los Nanigos   8. Y La Negra Bailaba
3. Una Tarde Cualquiera En Paris (To Bebo Valdez)   9. Conga Total/ El Cumbanchero
4. Preludio (To Jose Juan)   10. Contigo En La Distancia
5. Elegua   11. Mi Son Cerra'o
6. Hialeah   .