Spin Cycle / Assorted Colors
Album: Assorted Colors   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Spin Cycle   Added:Apr 2018
Label:Sound Footing Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-04-29 Pull Date: 2018-07-01 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Jun 17 May 20 May 6
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 16, 2018: Old Fart at Play
3. May 03, 2018: Sound Landscapes
It's Alright With Me
2. May 19, 2018: Music Casserole
Possum Dark

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-04-28
Reviewed: 2018-04-27
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: A cohesive unit that commands an exceptional stylistic range and exhibits a go-for-broke attitude. On their sophomore release, the pianoless quartet delivers more of the bright melodic lines, deep-seated grooves, catchy rhythmic devices and sophisticated incorporating improvisations that run wild, as soloists embrace aggressive and daring ideas from the realms of modal jazz, free-jazz, second-line and soul, not to mention good old-fashioned swing.
If You Like: Return To Forever, Al Di Meola, Wayne Shorter
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ Break Tune (5:33) – sax starts> uptempo jam> sax solo> guitar solo> sax solo> musicians trade off short solos> uptempo jam> quick stop
*2/ Two Pan Man (5:25) – sax starts> midtempo jam> sax/guitar duet> soaring sax solo> guitar solo> midtempo jam> false stop> midtempo jam> slow fade
3/ Possum Dark (6:21) – guitar starts with heavy chords> midtempo jam> sax solo goes wild> bass solo> rocking guitar solo> slows to midtempo jam> heavy fade & some notes
*4/ It’s Alright With Me (4:14) – bass starts> uptempo jam> sax solo> guitar solo> bass/drums duet> uptempo jam> quick stop
5/ Third Floor (5:56) – sax starts> slow jam> bass solo> sax solo> slow jam> slow fade
*6/ Etosha (5:01) – drums start> uptempo funky jam> sax solo> soaring sonic guitar solo> sax solo> fast jam> quick fade
*7/ Roots (4:44) – bass starts> uptempo jam> sax solo> guitar solo> sax solo> uptempo jam slows to midtempo> fade
8/ Affirmation (7:20) – bass starts> midtempo jam> uptempo sax solo> guitar solo> midtempo jam> crescendo & stop
*9/ To The Puente (4:37) – drums/guitar starts> uptempo with Latin vibe> sax solo> bass solo> guitar solo with flamenco touches> uptempo jam> quick stop
10/ Mist (4:55) – bass starts> slow jam> sax solo> slow jam> slow fade
11/ Fit Bit (5:52) – sax starts> fast jam slows to sow jam then speeds up again> drum solo> fast jam> sax solo> guitar solo> fast jam slows to fade

Track Listing
1. Break Tune   6. Etosha
2. Two Pan Man   7. Roots
3. Possum Dark   8. Affirmation
4. It's Alright With Me   9. To The Puente
5. Third Floor   10. Mist
  11. Fit Bit