Shitty Person / Judgement
Album: Judgement   Collection:General
Artist:Shitty Person   Added:Apr 2018

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-04-19 Pull Date: 2018-06-21
Week Ending: May 27 May 20 May 13
Airplays: 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 23, 2018: Brownian Motion
Champagne And Cakes
3. May 12, 2018: stringless balloon
Champagne And Cakes
2. May 15, 2018: Lucid Lightning: Power Hour
Champagne And Cakes

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2018-05-02
Dark bleak rock but somehow a tongue in cheek feel. Maybe it’s the lyrics that lack the “mystical depth” that such tones usually employ, more matter of fact almost silly stuff. Male and female shared. Guitar bass drums, slow paced doomy.

1) FCCs 2) (4:25) slow bleak simple “take your clothes off” 3) (4:30) triplet slow waltz, like a sick 50’s slow dance 4) (6:19) Another plod 5-6) FCCs. 7) (3:56) Big doomy dark 8) (0:48) weird spoken word about a bear, r-ally weird

Track Listing
1. Butthole   5. Your God Is Ending You
2. Take You Clothes Off   6. Dumbshit
3. Champagne And Cakes   7. Behemoth
4. Nobody Likes You   8. Dark Bear