Kuolema, Pyha / Kevattuulisormi
Album: Kevattuulisormi   Collection:General 12"
Artist:Kuolema, Pyha   Added:Dec 2017

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-12-20 Pull Date: 2018-02-21

Recent Airplay
1. Feb 26, 2018: Everything A to Z Week 123
Etaisyyksien Valissa

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2017-12-13
Folk, male singer with acoustic guitar. All in Finnish (I believe), every word, lyric, liner note. This was languishing in the Metal cubby probably because it was perceived as new folk metal, but at face value this is pure dark folk, along the lines of Current 93, or, heck, Nick Drake or Fairport Convention why not. No track by track here as every song follows the basic approach of acoustic guitar with dramatic male vocals and my Finnish is tad non-existent. Play anything off this beautiful vinyl.

Track Listing
1. Maamme Laulu   7. Irlantilaiset Lauseet
2. Mustat Virrat   8. Heraa!
3. Voisinko Olla Sun Hautasi   9. Sydameni Laulu
4. Etaisyyksien Valissa   10. Karajan Alla
5. Valkoinen Nainen   11. Viestimiehen Kuolema
6. Khakis Kitaa   12. Surmaajien Surmaaja