O'farrill, Arturo & Chucho Valdez / Familia
Album: Familia   Collection:Jazz
Artist:O'farrill, Arturo & Chucho Valdez   Added:Oct 2017
Label:Motema Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-10-12 Pull Date: 2017-12-14 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Dec 10 Dec 3 Nov 26 Nov 12 Oct 29
Airplays: 1 2 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 16, 2017: Music Casserole
Father, Mothers, Sons, Daughters
4. Nov 30, 2017: No Cover, No Minimum
Tema De Bebo
2. Dec 07, 2017: No Cover, No Minimum
Con Poco Coco
5. Nov 23, 2017: Old Fart at Play
3. Dec 02, 2017: Music Casserole
Con Poco Coco
6. Nov 09, 2017: Melange
Father, Mothers, Sons, Daughters

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2017-10-06
Reviewed: 2017-10-06
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none

Review: The liner notes state this double CD is not about Latin Jazz, piano, or Cuba. What it is is a multi-generational celebration of two men who made that music popular while fusing elements of old styles into a new musical language. The playing is superb throughout and there is rarely a dull moment.
If You Like: Ray Barretto, Paquito Rivera, Danilo Perez
Review (favorites denoted by *):
(Disc 1)
*1/ Bebochicochuchoturo (8:56) - piano starts> uptempo jam> swinging piano solo> trumpet solo swings wild & lightning fast> fast tempo jam slows to crescendo & slow piano solo> short percussion solo to end
2/ Three Revolutions (7:52) - horns start big> back & forth between piano & horns> rocking piano solo> fast tempo jam> quick stop
*3/ Ecuacion (9:33) - percussion starts> uptempo jam> trumpet solo> wild sax solo> trombone solo> piano solo to a quick stop
4/ Tema de Bepo (11:59) - piano starts> uptempo jam> trumpet solo> sax solo> piano solo> uptempo jam> crescendo end
5/ Pianitis (6:09) - piano starts> uptempo jam> piano solo interspersed with horns> shifts to slow tempojam> piano solo starts slow & swings wild> slow tempo horns to end
*6/ Fathers, Mothers, Sons, & Daughters (10:17) -
trumpet starts >slow tempo jam> stumpet solo swings into full tilt jam> crescendo> piano solo> trumpet solo slows to a crawl> slow tempo jam> piano solo swings into uptempo jam> slows to fade
(Disc 2 reviewed inside jacket)

(Disc 2)
1/ Run and Jump (7:20) - piano starts> midtempo jam> bass clarinet solo> swings uptempo & back> trumpet solo> slow piano solo> clarinet solo> sax solo> wild trumpet solo> midtempo jam to end
*2/ Recuerdo (7:41) - piano starts> midtempo jam> piano solo> trumpet solo> clarinet solo> midtempo jamslow fade
*3/ Gonki Gonki (5:44) - drums/percussion starts> swinging piano solo> wild sax solo> trumpet solo> uptempo jam> quick stop
*4/ Pura Emocion (3:50) - piano chords start & swing out into a gorgeous midtempo solo> crescendo end & some notes
5/ Para Chico (2:32) - uptempo piano solo swings to lightning fast, then slows a bit to stop
*6/ Con Poco Coco (8:07) - piano starts. uptempo jam with percussion up front> trumpet solo> sax solo> crescendo end
7/ Raja Ram (4:12) - drums start> uptempo jam> piano solo> uptempo jam with sitar> quick fade

Track Listing
1. (Disc 1) Bebochicochuchoturo   7. (Disc 2) Run And Jump
2. Three Revolutions   8. Recuerdo
3. Ecuación   9. Gonki Gonki
4. Tema De Bebo   10. Pura Emoción
5. Pianitis   11. Para Chico
6. Father, Mothers, Sons, Daughters   12. Con Poco Coco
  13. Raja Ram