Epstein, Peter Quartet / Polarities
Album: Polarities   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Epstein, Peter Quartet   Added:Jul 2017
Label:Songlines Recordings  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-08-03 Pull Date: 2017-10-05 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Sep 24 Sep 17 Sep 10 Sep 3 Aug 20 Aug 6
Airplays: 1 2 1 1 1 2

Recent Airplay
1. Sep 22, 2017: Rebop
Forever Now
4. Sep 08, 2017: Rebop
Email From Nigeria
2. Sep 16, 2017: Old Fart at Play
5. Sep 01, 2017: Rebop
Tiny Expanding Universe
3. Sep 15, 2017: Rebop
6. Aug 19, 2017: Old Fart at Play
Forever Now

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2017-07-23
Reviewed: 2017-07-23
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none

Review: stellar quartet seamlessly blends straight ahead subtle contemporary jazz with wild swings without going too far out. All originals. The polarities of 4 talented musicians are all on display, pushing each other while playing as a unit.
If You Like: Jan Garbarek, Avishai Cohen, Eberhard Weber, Peter Erskine
Track Review (favorites denoted by *):
*1/ Polarities (3:36) - bass starts> slow & dreamy. slow fade 2/ Tiny Expanding Universe 2/ bass starts> slow tempo builds to midtempo> trumpet solo> slow fade *3/ Forever Now (8:36) - drums start> slow builds to midtempo> wild sax solo> trumpet solo swings into wild uptempo jam> slows to fade 4/ Old Yarn (9:33) sax solo starts> slow tempo quiet jam swings to atonal, wild, & slow> slow fade *5/ Email From Nigeria (8:12) - bass starts> uptempo with a tropical beat> swinging trumpet solo> sax solo goes wild & wooly> drum solo> fade *7 Constance (7:11) - cymbals start> slow tempo jam swings midtempo on sax solo> trumpet solo> crescendo end *8/ Hurtle (6:49) cymbals start> midtempo> sax solo> wild & wooly jam> trumpet solo to a quick stop 9/ Stillness (5:03} sax starts> uptempo jam> slow fade

Track Listing
1. Polarity   6. Aholdu
2. Tiny Expanding Universe   7. Constance
3. Forever Now   8. Hurtle
4. Old Yarn   9. Stillness
5. Email From Nigeria   .