Tatsuro Kojima / A -> B
Album: A -> B   Collection:General
Artist:Tatsuro Kojima   Added:Jun 2017
Label:Eilean Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-08-17 Pull Date: 2017-10-19 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Oct 1 Sep 24 Sep 3 Aug 27 Aug 20
Airplays: 2 3 1 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Oct 21, 2017: Music Casserole
4. Sep 23, 2017: Old Fart at Play
2. Sep 30, 2017: The Prism Experiment
5. Sep 21, 2017: Neural facilitation
3. Sep 25, 2017: Everything A to Z Week 103
6. Sep 17, 2017: The Daily Bump

Album Review
Reviewed 2017-06-12
Tatsuro Kojima
a -> b
(Eilean Records)
Reviewed by BravoMarco

Another splendid release from the Eilean Record label. Japanese artist Tatsuro Kojima with a collection recorded between 2011 & 2017. Velvety classical ambient- experimental - All tracks are with quiet tones, collaboration between manipulated synths & field recordings. (all have long fades)

Like: Stefan Wesolowski, The Lickets (softer mode)
Very nice release indeed – Loving 3,5,8

No FCC’s (All Instrumentals)

1) 1111 (2.57) Soft with harshness in the background that never takes over or imposes on the delicate tinkling of the ivories.
2) Transparency (6.05) Cascading ethereal moments.
3) Flutter (4.08) Lovely piano with field recordings from what sounds like a summer’s day at the park.
4) ntnt4 (2.51) Deeper more bassy pulse with a glitchy texture.
5) 5.00pm (4.21) Echoing piano with waves of suppressed drone.
6) Seek (5.36) Faint footsteps accompany the sometimes abrasive, yet overall mellow static.
7) 0103 (4:36) Jangling of the bells introduces this journey into the darker ambient side.
8) Katai Hikari (9:53) Gritty desolate opening that takes it time. Becomes lighter halfway through. Slow deliberate notes amongst the rasping industrial waves.
9) pipo (6:56) The space-agey one. The soundtrack to an Imax discovery of the solar system film at the local science centre.

Track Listing
1. 1111   6. Seek
2. Transparency   7. 0103
3. Flutter   8. Katai Hikari
4. Ntnt4   9. Pipo
5. 5.00pm   .