Proulx, Audrey / Colors
Album: Colors   Collection:General
Artist:Proulx, Audrey   Added:Oct 2016
Label:Recursive Leap Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2016-10-11 Pull Date: 2016-12-11
Week Ending: Dec 4 Nov 6 Oct 23 Oct 16
Airplays: 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Dec 01, 2016: Clean Copper Radio
3. Oct 16, 2016: Goggles Optional
2. Nov 04, 2016: Time Traveler
In A Dream
4. Oct 14, 2016: Moonlight Impressions

Album Review
Reviewed 2016-10-16
Haiming Jin c. Plobs

Audrey Proulx/ pop
Album name: Colors
Label:Recursive Leap Records
Genre: pop

There are five songs total in this album. They are very inspirational contemporary songs. All of the songs are written by herself Audrey Proulx. Original songs with beautiful voices.

FCCs: none
Favorite Tracks: **Leaves, *Try(love song, break up person’s medicine), *Colors

Track Review:
1/ Try (love song) Piano starts, slow tempo and then vocal starts. Then different instrument added and the tempo goes at the highest with the strongest voice. Then gradually slow down.

2/ In a Dream (inspirational song) vocal starts first second, and the next second piano added. The voice and the instrument match perfectly, slow and calm but strong. Beautiful voice!! Powerful lyrics. It sounds like Audrey is telling a story. If you feeling down, this song is the right one to cheer you up.

3/ Follow Your Heart (inspirational song) Vocal starts first, slow but; then electrical instrument added. At the middle, the drum added and other few more instrument in the highlights part. You can also test some Disney element inside of the song. If you about to quit what you are chasing for, this song may give you some courage.

4/ Color Sentimental piano starts, quiet but touching. Vocal added after

5/ Leaves (warm song) Piano starts, slow and on beats. Vocal added

Track Listing
1. Try   4. Color
2. In A Dream   5. Leaves
3. Follow Your Heart   .