Last Shadow Puppets, The / Everything You've Come To Expect
Album: Everything You've Come To Expect   Collection:General
Artist:Last Shadow Puppets, The   Added:Aug 2016

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2016-09-05 Pull Date: 2016-11-07
Week Ending: Nov 6 Oct 30 Oct 23 Oct 16 Sep 25 Sep 18 Sep 11
Airplays: 2 1 1 2 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 18, 2021: Radiant Airwaves (rebroadcast from Dec 12, 2019)
Miracle Aligner
4. Sep 22, 2019: Radiant Airwaves
Sweet Dreams, Tn
2. Dec 12, 2019: Radiant Airwaves
Miracle Aligner
5. Jan 24, 2017: satin fever
3. Dec 05, 2019: Radiant Airwaves
She Does The Woods
6. Nov 04, 2016: Time Traveler
Miracle Aligner

Album Review
Reviewed 2016-09-04
This is the second record from British super group The Last Shadow Puppets. The band consists of Alex Turner (Arctic Monkeys), Miles Kane (The Rascals), James Ford (Simian Mobile Disco), and Zach Dawes (Mini Mansions). This record rules. It almost fills my need for a new Arctic Monkeys record :) Play it all the time.

FCC Track 7
Favorites: ALL!! Start with: 2, 3, and 11

1. (3:44) Aviation - Mid-tempo, sort of psychedelic.
2. (4:06) Miracle Aligner - LOVE. Almost vintage feel, infectious.
3. (2:51) Dracula Teeth - Awesome strings, gothic like the content, awesome track overall.
4. (3:14) Everything You've Come To Expect - Poetic, tongue twisting lyrics, more great strings, awesome sound.
5. (2:52) The Element Of Surprise - Uptempo, shuffling drums, more on point melodies.
6. (3:01) Bad Habits - This is my least favorite, but it is kind of dark and twisty with lots of jumpy sounds and some abrupt changes.
7. FCC DICK (3:56) Sweet Dreams, Tn- I LOVE THIS SONG.One of my favorites.
8. (2:55) Used To Be My Girl - Uptempo, more of the same awesomeness.
9. (3:30) She Does The Woods - The strings really make this record, another awesome usage on this track.
10. (4:15) Pattern - Another mid-tempo track, another great melody.
11. (3:04) The Dream Synopsis - This is another stand out, slightly slower tempo, prominent piano, and that voice that I could listen to forever.

Track Listing
1. Aviation   6. Bad Habits
2. Miracle Aligner   7. Sweet Dreams, Tn
3. Dracula Teeth   8. Used To Be My Girl
4. Everything You've Come To Expect   9. She Does The Woods
5. The Element Of Surprise   10. Pattern
  11. The Dream Synopsis