Monochromacy / Sole Hymns
Album: Sole Hymns   Collection:General
Artist:Monochromacy   Added:May 2015

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2015-05-08 Pull Date: 2015-07-10 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Jul 5 Jun 14 May 31 May 17
Airplays: 1 2 2 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 01, 2015: Brownian Motion
A Fallen Upward Gaze
4. May 27, 2015: Brownian Motion
2. Jun 10, 2015: BravoMarco Variety Show
5. May 25, 2015: Shytown
3. Jun 10, 2015: Brownian Motion
A Fallen Upward Gaze
6. May 14, 2015: Meow
A Fallen Upward Gaze

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2015-05-05
Beautiful balmy noise/drone. Organic and lovely. Low fi, probably done on 4 track cassette. Courtesy of Diego. Totally vegged out, chill, zazen.

1) (17:44) veeery quiet fade in to an utmost chill dark droney balm that ebbs and flows like a tide, slowly building
2) (10:26) more of a buzzing drone of Gregorian chant or tuvan throat singing
3) (7:32) another dreamy atmospheric one, sorta like the first. Go, Diego!

Track Listing
1. A Fallen Upward Gaze   2. Pulling
  3. Effigies