Peach Kelli Pop / Iii
Album: Iii   Collection:General
Artist:Peach Kelli Pop   Added:Apr 2015
Label:Burger Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2015-05-01 Pull Date: 2015-07-03
Week Ending: Jul 5 Jun 28 Jun 21 Jun 14 Jun 7 May 31 May 24 May 17
Airplays: 3 2 2 1 2 2 3 3

Recent Airplay
1. May 02, 2024: down in the basement
Sailor Moon
4. Jan 03, 2016: Meow: The Best Of 2015
2. Sep 28, 2023: down in the basement
Heart Eyes
5. Jul 27, 2015: In the Year 1000, Shythousand
Nude Beach
3. May 26, 2022: Down in the Basement
Please Come Home
6. Jul 12, 2015: Meow

Album Review
Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2015-04-28
Cute cutesy girl rock, sugary poppy but weird. Burger Records strikes again. Twee revival? Hello Kitty? Fans of Shonen Knife, Nikki and the Corvettes. Like the latter, songs short, alike. Come to think these all sound like theme songs to Saturday morning "kids" shows starring Pee Wee (fucking) Herman.

1)* (1:28) bouncy poppy cute weird voc effect
2) (1:26) like 1
3) (3:17) poppy chorus, upbeat
4)* (2:45) fun boppin
5) (2:06) more boppin fun
6) (2:11) a little lighter
7) (1:56) more of a 2/4 punk beat, weird vocal effect returns
8) (1:09) is that a sax? Total theme song silly
9) (2:02) cute sugary 10)* (2:19) slower more introspective, romantic

Track Listing
1. Princess Castle 1987   6. Plastic Love
2. Shampoo   7. Big Man
3. Heart Eyes   8. Sailor Moon
4. Bat Wing   9. New Moon
5. Nude Beach   10. Please Come Home