Kenautis Smith And Blackspade / March Madness
Album: March Madness   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Kenautis Smith And Blackspade   Added:Dec 2013
Label:All Natural  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-01-02 Pull Date: 2014-03-06 Charts: Hip-Hop
Week Ending: Jan 19
Airplays: 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jan 13, 2014: Happy Hour
March Madness F. Ari Lourdes

Album Review
Reviewed 2014-01-03
(CLEAN) 06. Kenautis Smith And Blackspade - March Madness f. Ari Lourdes - All Natural Inc.: Nice fresh twist on this track with the incorporation of sampling and live instrumentation served up by producer Kenautis. The track has a clean feel to it with a touch of that old school ruggedness with a guitar riff sample. The chorus is r&b ish with Ari Lourdes providing the vocals but it definitely does not detract from the raw hip hop element. The track flips up at the end with a new beat and Ari singing giving that soulful jazzy vibe. Nice blend of laid back and rugged vibes rolled into one package. – M-SMOOTH

Track Listing
1. March Madness F. Ari Lourdes   .